Power Up Electrical

Handyman - Hopewell, VA

Project Gallery

A table showing the projects done by the pro








Feb 2016

Dealership sign wasn't lighting up. Installed a conduit for the sign to the canopy roof and ran new wires to the sign. Ll working now.


Richmond, VA

Demo job

Feb 2016

Garage addition collapsed due to a storm. I gave the customer a quote and it was excepted Estimated 2 hours, finished right on time with the demo and clean up.


Richmond, VA

Rot job

Feb 2016

After the demo job noticed the rotted facial board on the existing garage. Gave a quote to the customer and it was excepted. Demoed the rotted wood and sistered new wood to rotted joist ends and installed the new facial board. Sealed all the seams.


North Chesterfield, VA