Fresh Coat Painting

Painter - Jacksonville, NC

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based on 225 online reviews

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based on 225 online reviews
based on 225 ratings

Project Gallery

A table showing the projects done by the pro







Cedar Lodge, Hickory, NC

Jan 2014

We had the privilege of co-laboring with fellow craftsman in updating a Christian Camp outside of Hickory, NC. While extensive carpentry, tile work, electrical and plumbing work was done, Fresh Coat Painting went to work applying a Fresh Coat of solid acrylic stain to the exterior of the lodge. We enjoyed every minute of helping to transform the camp.


Hickory, NC

Heritage Square Cedar Exteriors

Jan 2013

We were awarded the contract to pressure wash, prep and repaint the exteriors for the Heritage Square HOA. We have completed 12 as of February 2014


Jacksonville, NC

Basement remodel

Dec 2012

Our customer's home has a basement that needed updating. They wanted a "Man Cave" to be exact. Once the new drywall was installed we were awarded the task of priming the new sheetrock. We returned once the trim and doors were installed along with two bookcases. We applied two finish coats of flat acrylic on the walls and two coats of semi-gloss acrylic on the trim, doors and bookcases. What really impressed the owners was the epoxy floor coating we applied to the bare concrete. This was a labor intensive endeavor since the smooth concrete needed to be acid etched prior to applying the epoxy, decorative flakes and clear epoxy top coat. It's been nearly fifteen months and the floor looks as good as it did the day we completed the project.


Jacksonville, NC

Deck Remodel

Jan 2012

Pressure clean and re-stain.


Jacksonville, NC

Steel building Face-lift

Jan 2012

The decades old steel structure was in desperate need of a Fresh Coat of paint. We spent two days pressure washing off the old, tired and chalky paint. We followed up with a coat of 1-2-3 Bullseye Primer and a coat of acrylic satin to finish off the project.


Jacksonville, NC

Lauradale exterior make-over

Jul 2017

We pressure cleaned the complete exterior. We caulked and primed the brick and asbestos siding and applied 2 coats of Satin A-100 to all the siding and trim. Including the brick facade.


Jacksonville, NC