House Cleaning Service - Kansas City, MO


2 reviews


2 reviews

Project Gallery

A table showing the projects done by the pro







Grandview, MO Duct Cleaning

Jan 2014

Cleaned all duct work. The customer even gave me tip!


Grandview, MO

Walking the dog in the snow

Jan 2014

Heavy snow caused me to reschedule the day's job. I made good use of the time to work in my office. I took a break to walk the dog. (No, I didn't make $100 walking the dog, it's the minimum number I could enter.)


Raytown, MO

Kansas City Duct Cleaning

Jan 2014

This customer had purchased a bait and switch 'deal' form www. livingsocial.com. The guys who showed up had no good answers for her and said that the coupon never really was intended for house like her's. She told them to leave. She found me online and liked my A+ Better Business Bureau accreditation. I am please to restore her faith in the service.


Kansas City, MO

Blue Springs Duct Cleaning

Jan 2014

Another job where my tools and experience came through. I even retrieved grandma's ring from the bathroom floor vent. Check out the picture! This is some of the stuff that came out when I cut open the duct in the garage.


Blue Springs, MO

Overland Park, KS Nursing home dryer vents.

Dec 2013

Cleaned the vertical stack to the roof and all supporting pipes leading the the vertical stack manifold. Nursing home fires often start in the laundry. Cleaning the dryer vents is required by the Fire Marshall.


Overland Park, KS

Shawnee, KS Duct Cleaning

Jan 2013

Cleaned the ducts and made a minor repair to a dryer vent. Happy customer! The picture shows sheet-rock dust from recent basement finishing covering a thick layer of old dirt. I had to use BOTH sets of clean filters to get through this job!


Shawnee, KS

Leawood Kansas Duct Cleaning

Jan 2013

This large home had three systems which can be challenging. I got it figured out, and got it done in one full day. I packed a lunch, arrived early and was done in time for rush hour traffic.


Leawood, KS

Lee's Summit Duct Cleaning

Jan 2013

Sheet Rock dust was in the ducts in a 1 1/2 story home in Bent Tree neighborhood. A great customer! She gave me freshly-baked cookies!


Lees Summit, MO

Independence, MO Made video for website.

Jan 2010

The customer said that I could have all day to both clean and video tape job. He allowed me to take much extra time to video tape the whole job for use on my website. A big thanks to Mr. Squires in Independence, MO for his time and help in this project!


Independence, MO