Life After Bugs

Pest Control Company - Katy, TX

Project Gallery

A table showing the projects done by the pro







Home Exclusion Service in Katy, Texas

Jan 2020

Life After Bugs performed a professional home exclusion service at this Katy home to trap rodents and then seal andy cracks, gaps, and holes in the home's exterior to avoid re-entry. Our exclusion service is guaranteed to seal out mice and rats for one year but typically the exclusion service can last up to 10 years. Call for a free quote or visit the following link to learn more about this service.


Katy, TX

Termite Treatment & Post Infestation Prevention in Katy, Texas

Mar 2021

Life After Bugs conducted termite treatment at this home after our pest control company was called out for a free termite inspection. Once our technicians got a look inside the home to inspect the walls, ceilings, attic, and foundational structures for signs of an infestation we confirmed their suspicions were right; they had active termite colonies feeding on their home's support beams and walls. We had to act quickly to kill the colonies before the home sustained any more damage, which could potentially compromise the integrity of their home's structure and support beams. Notice any signs of a termite infestation? Contact us to schedule a free termite inspection or learn more about the signs of a termite infestation at this link on our website.


Katy, TX