General Contractor - Largo, FL
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Largo, FL 33770
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Saint Petersburg 2011 | Apr 2011 | Permit Number: 11-03001036 Permit Type: BUILDING/RESIDENTIAL Permit Description: BUILDING MINOR ALTERATION City of St. Petersburg, Asbestos Notification Statement, Attention Building and Structure Owners, and Contractors, By signing the Application and Permit, for Construction, you certify that you, have complied, or will comply with all, Federal State and County laws and, regulations pertaining to asbestos. You, further understand that any violations, of these requirements can result in, monetary penalties to the building, owners, building lessees, and their, respective contractors. Additional, penalties for failing to comply with, asbestos rules may include criminal, prosecution under federal law and, contractor license forfeiture/suspension, under State law., Asbestos regulations require asbestos to, be identified prior to beginning any, demolition or renovation activities. A, State licensed asbestos consultant must, perform the survey. If asbestos is, identified in the survey, and it is, predicted that asbestos will be, disturbed in any way, a State licensed, asbestos contractor must remove it, first. Additionally, for non-exempt, buildings and structures written, notification must be mailed or delivered, to the Pinellas County Air Quality, Division ten working days prior to, facility load supporting members either, being moved or removed (demolitions) and, prior to asbestos removal projects., Licensing Exemption:, Note: the following exemption, exclusively applies to the owner of a, single family residence, and not to any, contractor or other hired individuals., You, as the owner and occupier of a, single family residence, not for sale or, lease, may undertake the moving, removal, or disposal of asbestos-containing, materials on your own residential, building. To qualify for the licensing, exemption, (subject to the limitations, provide below) an owner must personally, appear and sign the building permit, application., State law requires asbestos removal to, be done by licensed contractors. You, have applied for a permit under an, exemption to that law. The exemption, allows you, as the owner of your, property, to act as your own asbestos, removal contractor even though you do, not have a license. You must supervise, the construction yourself. You may move,, remove or dispose of asbestos-containing, materials on a residential building, where you occupy the building and the, building is not for sale or lease, or, the building is a farm outbuilding on, your property. If you sell or lease such, building within 1 year after the, asbestos abatement is complete, the law, will presume that you intended to sell, or lease the property at the time the, work was done, which is a violation of, this exemption. You may not hire an, unlicensed person as your contractor., Your work must be done according to all, local, state and federal laws and, regulations, which apply to asbestos, abatement projects. It is your, responsibility to make sure that people, employed by you have licenses required, by state law and by county or municipal, licensing ordinances., The statements included on this page are, considered part of the:, Construction Services & Permitting, Application and Permit for Construction, For additional information about, asbestos:,, html/asbestos/as500.html, Pinellas County Air Quality Division, 300 South Garden Ave Clearwater, FL, (727)464-4422, 300 South Garden Avenue, Clearwater, FL 33756, Phone: 464-4422, March 28, 2011 11:41:33 AM jawalker., FIRE RESTORATION. REMOVE MASONRY, CHIMNEY, INSTALL NEW CONCRETE FOOTER,, NEW FLU AND BRICK WORK. REPLACE ANY, DAMAGED WOOD AT FIREPLACE., March 28, 2011 12:06:30 PM yksawyer., received noc., March 28, 2011 12:47:33 PM g1strait. | $8k | Saint Petersburg, FL |