Electrician - Leon, KS
For all of your electrical repairs and services please give me a call!
Pat M.
GFI on the line that powered our phone and cable TV lines went out and would not reset at the GFI and breaker box. A co-worker recommended Kevin Lane. Kevin's son Josh was able to fit a house call in on his way home, THE SAME DAY!!! Josh did a great job of trouble shooting the problem and it was a quick fix, but not one I’d have found and fixed by myself. Apparently a ground was poking out of one of the outside electric plugs and over the years it moved just a bit to cause trouble intermittently and then for good yesterday. You’d never have spotted it unless you methodically followed the circuit and opened each box looking for the source of the problem. Probably something that was waiting to make trouble from when the house was built in 2011. Great work, great service and what I thought was a reasonable price for a house call. Thank you Kevin and Josh.
9767 SE Turkey Creek Rd
Leon, KS 67074