Day & Nite Plumbing & Heating

HVAC Contractor - Lynnwood, WA

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based on 1,339 online reviews
based on 1,339 ratings

Project Gallery

A table showing the projects done by the pro







Furnace Maintenance

Jan 2016

Inspection and maintenance on gas furnace


Mill Creek, WA

Gas pipe installation & repair

Jun 2015

Gas line extension from existing gas line to backyard for a natural gas BBQ. Permit: SR1370088


Seattle, WA

Hosebib Installation

Mar 2016

Install new Frost Free hosebib in hot water closet, tested and worked as designed.


Lynnwood, WA

Leak from tub drain

Mar 2016

Leak was found under upstairs tub, technician cut out part of drywall, determined elak to be from overflow gasket. Technician replaced overflow gasket per customers request. Tub was tested with no leaks.


Marysville, WA

Leaking bathroom faucet

Jan 2016

Faucet was leaking, tech rebuilt the faucet to prevent leakage


Everett, WA

Clogged utility sink

Jan 2016

Clog under basement slab. Cabled drain through clean-out, cleared at approximately 30 feet. Tested again and it was draining as designed


Everett, WA

Plumbing improvements

Jan 2016

Ran the gas line in the house to the area behind the stove such that a gas stove can be installed. Also ran the gas line to the outside so that a gas grill can be used.


Everett, WA

Toilet fix

Jan 2016

30 year old tank and bowl are constantly refilling, one pipe connection has started to leak. Stop valve was replaced and tested to work to code.


Everett, WA

Vacant House Inspection

Jan 2016

A furnace was removed from a vacant house and the new tenants would like an inspection to make sure none of the pipes froze.


Bothell, WA