H&H Supply - Plumbing

Plumber - Mansfield, OH

Project Gallery

A table showing the projects done by the pro







Garbage disposal project

Mar 2014

Residential home garbage disposal install.

Mansfield, OH

Drain project

Mar 2014

Residential home drain clean for a home in Mansfield.

Mansfield, OH

Faucet repair

Mar 2014

Residential home faucet install.

Mansfield, OH

Church project

Mar 2014

Church located in Mansfield where burglars had broken into the church and stolen the copper piping around the water heater and down the hallway. This job took about a week to finish. 2 days after completion the same thing happened again, and the copper piping was stolen again. We went back in and re installed new fittings. This was about a 2 week long job.

Mansfield, OH

Pipe replacement project

Mar 2014

Residential home where someone had broken into the home and stolen pipes and bathroom fixtures. The burglar did not have the courtesy to turn the water off causing the basement to flood until water poured out the windows and a neighbor noticed the issue.

Mansfield, OH