Home Inspector - Meridian, ID
Victorious Home Inspections LLC Tommy Ross (208)600-5843 tcross4you@gmail.com www.VictoriousHomeInspections.com * Real Estate Inspector Professional Real Estate Inspection Certification No. 14014 and Owner of Victorious Home Inspections LLC in Meridian, Idaho 83646 from 2015 to Present. *Services Victorious Home Inspections LLC provides a limited visual inspection of the exterior and interior of homes and garages. Also, I provide my customers with accurate detailed reports including photos of the condition of homes and garages. I use the Report Form Pro Electronic Reporting System Software for Accurate and Detail Reports. I follow the ASHI Standards Of Practice and I Inspect every Home as if it were my Home! *Pricing $300 Base Price up to 2,000 square feet $10 for every additional 100sq ft $5 for each year beyond 5 years of age $1 for every mile traveled beyond 10 miles (one way) *$100 minimum charge for Re-Inspection Of Repairs “Accurately Reporting, Properly Informing”
8 years in business
95 W Ashby Dr
Meridian, ID 83646