New Image Painting Company

Painter - Mocksville, NC

Project Gallery

A table showing the projects done by the pro







Turn-key Services/Janel Hensley

Jun 2015

Turn-key services provided for the personal home of Re/Max realtor Janel Hensley. New Image Painting provided interior painting services, full cleaning services including windows, pressure washing of house and garage, and full landscaping services. Landscaping services included clean-out of perimeter of home along with island, landscaping cloth with mulch and pine needles, and mowing.


Mocksville, NC

Timberline Ridge Court/Re/Max Realty/Janel Hensley

Jun 2015

This condo needed a full face-lift before listing on the market. Our company did full painting services for walls, trim, doors and ceilings. We topped it off with our full service cleaning including windows.


Winston Salem, NC

Winston Condo Re/Max Realty Janel Hensley

Jun 2015

This condo needed full painting and cleaning services before listing. Our company painted ceilings, walls, trim and doors. We also provided full cleaning services including windows.


Winston Salem, NC