Advanced Handyman Services

Handyman - Morganton, GA

Project Gallery

A table showing the projects done by the pro







LawnTractor Service

Jun 2014

We came out and changed the oil, installed a new battery, troubled shot a bad switch and installed a better one than factory, and removed a rats nest from the engine.


Blue Ridge, GA


Jun 2014

We installed 10 D-rings in this utility bed for this customer. Parts provided by customer and paint.


Blue Ridge, GA

Closet shelves

May 2014

Here we installed a few simple shelves. Customer wanted each shelf at a certain height for there application. Parts provided by customer


Morganton, GA

Front yard landscaping

May 2014

We consulted with the customer and came up with a design, costs and plan for this job. There were many issues that we fixed such as drainage problems and parking problems. We installed a new drainage ditch complete with new rock and driveway drain. Brought in crush and run for the driveway and ran a dry river bed. 3 pallets of sod and about 40 different plants and trees were also installed.


Young Harris, GA

Relocate wiring and dryer

Jan 2014

We relocated a 120 outlet for the washer and also a 220 outlet for the dryer and installed a 4 inch dryer vent. This is stage 1 of many to come for this project. Next pending funds we will install a wall with doors to enclose the washer and dryer and finish drywall repair and paint.


Morganton, GA