Home Inspector - Naples, FL
As the owner of Twin Palms Inspections, I have nearly 40 years of building and remodeling experience in all phases of construction, from building new homes to remodeling older homes. My inspections are very thorough, but not scary for the Buyers. My report uses plenty of pictures and is simple to understand, but when needed, I will explain the report to the buyer to reduce confusion. This is especially helpful for first time buyers. I also do 4-Point and Wind Mitigation Inspections to help the buyer reduce insurance costs. As a Licensed Home Inspector in Florida, # HI-8802 I have greatly exceeded the required hours of training and testing as well as scoring a 98% on the State Proctored Test, along with Federal Background Check. Give us the opportunity to provide 1st Class Inspections for your Clients. Thanks Bill Gillum Owner Twin Palms Inspections, Inc. www.twinpalmsinspections.com twinpalmsinspections@gmail.com (239)289-5293
8 years in business
4286 27th Ct SW
Naples, FL 34116