The Clutter Whisperer of New York City

Home Organizer - New York, NY

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based on 81 online reviews

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based on 81 online reviews
based on 81 ratings

Project Gallery

A table showing the projects done by the pro







Boy's Room

May 2014

Worked in Central Harlem early May (near the cool Red Rooster where I've been wanting to eat!). Helped a mother unpack and move her young son into his room -- after living with boxes for a year! We did 85% of it in five hours. In advance, I had her buy a $59 shelving unit and containers from Target. Now that most everything is unpacked, I recommended she buy a second shelving unit just for his arts 'n crafts. Then everything will be off the floor and have a home on shelves. He was ecstatic when he came home from school. It made it all worthwhile. And what little is left to do, she can handle on her own.


New York, NY

Home office organizing - NJ

May 2014

Spent 2 days in NJ late May working on this client's office. She had a mail slot structure, but it was on the floor in a corner buried behind old mail and inaccessible. I dug it out, set it up at eye level on her newly cleaned up desk and made temporary labels. We threw out bags and bags of papers. What was left got sorted in the mail sorter. I go back in a few days to set up files in the file cabinet and finish up.


Livingston, NJ

Beauty consultant - Home Office - NYC

May 2014

A recent makeover -- a home office of someone who works in the beauty industry; i.e., lots of product samples. Also a lack of surface space to work on and many containers of samples stacked in the living room needing relocation to the office. I cleared the office of surplus magazines, empty packing boxes, et al to make floor space to create columns of containers. I stacked them high and reinforced them to the wall with lots of duct tape. I purged and tweaked the rest of the office to create more storage space. Finally, I completely cleared out the desk area. Office supplies below (folders, envelopes, labels, etc.) were in long flat containers and inaccessible. Instead, I relocated them to an upright container for easy access and designated the area as "supplies only." All samples are now in the office and there are now two work surfaces for preparing mailings, etc.


New York City, NY