Handyman - Orange Park, FL
Im Jeff i have 35 years experience in renovation and new construction industry. I was a residential contractor from 1990 until 2009. I focus on quality and integrity with your budget and schedule in mind.
10 years in business
Jeffery K.
This is IN RESPONSE TO CLIFFORD CHARLES TILTONS REVIEW. 1) This Clifford came from Orlando area where work is plentiful if he had the Experience he stated he had why would he leave there? Maybe burned all his bridges there? 2) I don't claim to be a contractor im A Project Manager for A GC this GC trust me to run his projects 100%. 3) This Clifford knew me all of 2 days I promise you if i was an outlaw or affiliation in any way he wouldn't have known in 2 days knowing me. No one Ever mentioned outlaws around him and no one said anything about me and or the outlaws around this guy. 4) The Black guy Clifford cant seem to remember his name is A Christian he has been with this company 3 years hes stable honest reliable loyal and a great worker ALL the things this Clifford isnt. And this black guy will tell you for over 3 years hes NEVER missed a paycheck. And how does this Clifford know this black guy smokes crack every day? Clifford was only here 2 days at his admittance..maybe Clifford smoked crack with him? Im 5'8 220lbs The black guy is 5'8 190lbs Clifford is 6'1 150lbs who would you think smokes crack? Clifford looks just like Freddie Kruger Rough..so who would you assume the crack addict is? Probably the tall skinny guy with bad teeth. I have all my teeth 60 years old no cavities..Ive been in St. Johns/Duval 95% of my life. Clifford came from up North whats he running from? Then from Orlando to here? Whats he running from? 5) I own 3 boats 2 trailers 9 properties 2 Harleys 3 vehicles and A warehouse full of tools and equipment. As Clifford stated he jumped on a Greyhound Bus with a trash bag with his clothes in it No license no vehicle no Florida ID he still has his Maine ID why wouldn't he get a Florida ID? He has no license. Again signs of A Drug Addict. 6) It was explained to Clifford payday is on Fridays this is not a daily work daily pay company which all he did for 2 days was TALK about how much he knew and what a good experience worker he is..THAT WAS ALL A LIE he couldn't swing a hammer or read a tape. On the 2nd day he stated he had a friend with a room for rent on the bus route for $125 i explained again this isnt a daily pay place he pitched a 5 year olds fit i took $125 out of my pocket and loaned it to him. 30 mins later he said hes staying in the FREE spot he was in the bus stop was 2 miles away hes to lazy to walk 2 miles..so i asked for my money back..thats when he got on the bus. How many crackheads do you know can pull $125 out of there pockets on a Tuesday? NONE! How many are asking for money on a Tuesday? At least Clifford he is clearly the drug addict and alcoholic. Anyway he did jump on the Greyhound to go back to whoever supports him and his habit.7) I learned a long time ago the way to figure out tge TRUTH is get both sides of the story. And talking about lawsuits he threatened to sue me for mold poison for a boat he stayed on for free under his free will. I was told by the propery owner to file a police report about that dog..and i promise you..i didn't go to any lawyer about sueing anyone over a dog bite..this Clifford has tall tales..ill let you all decide who the crackhead liar is! And after all Cliffords lies and all his false accusations and his language Clifford has the odacity to mention God..WOW! Clifford your your own worst enemy most lieing drug addict alcoholics are..everything is always everyone else's fault a Drug addict and alcoholic are always right there always pointing a finger there always jumping town to town..i never threatened this guy i don't have to i never called JSO..i don't have to..Clifford is a self destructing person. God Bless you Clifford Charles Tilton you need it more than you think..Bye
Do not ever threaten me in any way shape or form again. We will be recorded and reported
PO Box 1051
Orange Park, FL 32067