Tree Wise Urban Forestry LLC

Tree Service - Orlando, FL

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based on 104 online reviews

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based on 104 online reviews
based on 104 ratings

Project Gallery

A table showing the projects done by the pro







Over Power line tree trimming

Feb 2024

The oak tree in the customer's front yard has branches growing into the power line. He wanted to keep his tree and only get the dangerous branches trimmed. Our highly experienced arborist trimmed the branches and keep the customer and the neighborhood safe and happy.


Orlando, FL

palm tree trimming

Feb 2024

We trim all kinds of palm trees on residential and commercial properties. No matter the location and the height.


Kissimmee, FL

Land Clearing

Sep 2023

We do land clearing of residential yard, private properties, building preparation. We clean trees, shrubs and other vegetation on the properties according to customer's requirements.


Orlando, FL

Back yard huge tree removal with crane

Apr 2021

The customer had a huge oak tree in the back yard that was rotten on the top branches. In order to avoid the potential damage by the falling tree, the customer called us after having difficulties to find a company was capable to remove the tree with a affordable price. Sine the tree was located in a tight spot close to the customer and the neighbor's house, and the customer had a huge RV trailer in the front yard. We decided to crane the tree out. Our tree service experts remove the tree out without any damages to the property, the customer was very pleased with the result.


Orlando, FL

huge tree over roof trimming

Jun 2020

The customer had a huge tree in the front yard and there were a big amount of branches over the house. The house roof was already damaged big one fallen branch, the customer was desperate to get the rest of the branches taken away from the roof. We worked very carefully and got the tree trimmed without causing any damage to his property. The customer was very happy and grateful about the job we did.


Orlando, FL

Front yard tree removal

Apr 2019

The oak tree roots grew under the driveway, the front wall of the house and damaged the driveway and the wall. We removed the tree and grinded the stump 2 feet into the ground. The owner were able to plant a crape myrtle tree and put grass around it.


Longwood, FL