Sapphire Floor Restore

Tile Contractor - Oxnard, CA

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based on 40 online reviews

Average rating




based on 40 online reviews
based on 40 ratings

Project Gallery

A table showing the projects done by the pro







Mark & Veronica N.

Aug 2017

Mark & Veronica were expecting their first baby and even though they cleaned ALL THE TIME they couldn't stand the look of the bathtub in their rented apartment. We gave them a quick demonstration to see the difference our equipment could make. After seeing the results they added their kitchen counter top, 2 bathroom counter tops, a 4 walled tile shower as well as the tile floors in all three rooms. We sealed everything as well. They said now their home feels ready for the baby.


Los Angeles, CA

Janet M.

Aug 2017

Deluxe Carpet Cleaning. 15 year old carpet that had NEVER been professionally cleaned. 2 sets of stairs and a hallway. We finish all carpet jobs with a neutralizing spray to protect your carpets original stain protector. Most carpet cleaners do not do this and their shampoo slowly erodes your carpets ability to resist stains. Therefore, you need to call them back sooner the next time.


Oxnard, CA


Jul 2017

After Sheralyn tried everything she could think of to revive her flooring she had "all but given up" and was ready to spend thousands of dollars to tear it up and install something new. Then she found us. We refurbished over 1,000 square feet of her light brown tile back to a near new appearance.The grout, which had turned BLACK, was restored to its original light brown color as well. (Moved furniture, refurbished, sealed floor and moved furniture back). Literally saved her thousands of dollars and who knows how many headaches by avoiding a remodeling job.


Oxnard, CA