Southern Pride Lawn Service

Landscaping Company - Philadelphia, MS

Project Gallery

A table showing the projects done by the pro







Lawn Maintenance

Apr 2014

Maintenance work on 3 acre property with lots of plants and other components. Cutting grass, trimming hedges, edging, blowing, etc.


Philadelphia, MS

Lawn Maintenance

Apr 2014

Lawn maintenance on 2 acre rental property.


Philadelphia, MS

Lawn Maintenance

Apr 2014

Lawn maintenance on 1.5 acre property. Includes a ditch and a lot of weed-whacking work. Price is for bi-weekly service.


Philadelphia, MS

Lawn Maintenance

Apr 2014

All the lawn maintenance on a 2 acre rental property. Price is for a bi-weekly service.


Philadelphia, MS

Lawn Maintenance

Apr 2014

Lawn maintenance on 1.5 acre property. Price is for a bi-weekly service.


Philadelphia, MS