Painter - Port Arthur, TX
When you get an estimate from Calvis the owner I suggest get a detailed schedule , when he will have his workers at the job, and hours he plans to work each day,and completion day with each area he is doing itemized on a contract that he signs. Also do not give him more then 10% deposit and only pay him as phases of each job are completed and documented . Any established honest contractor will not ask for anything else. I just went through 3 months of incomplete work he got paid for, when you call his phone he does not have voice mail. He claims , the job was underbid . That doesn"t mean you walk away, he comes up with alot of excuses. If he insist on over 1/3 down and additional monies prior to doing that phase of work , get someone else. No one is trying to hurt Calvis and his family like he has said in the past, Calvis created this problem himself. When he was communicating I have all his text messages to me and documentations.
Port Arthur, TX 77642