RH-Services LLC

Handyman - Portage, IN

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based on 60 online reviews

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based on 60 online reviews
based on 60 ratings

Project Gallery

A table showing the projects done by the pro







Convertibile coffee table

Dec 2017

Custom oak coffee table. Top lifts as a large “ tv” tray. Drawers are matched on both sides


Portage, IN

Table to minimalist island

Oct 2017

Homeowners had a table that their kids sat to do homework, school projects and crafts. EAster egg coloring, etc. there wasn’t wnough room to keep the table and put in an island. Yet they wanted to keep the top of the table and preserve the “history”. The top was taken and new legs and a bottom shelf installed at island/bar stool height. They entire thing was then shellacked to match the original color.


Portage, IN

Commercial fan and teach light installation.

Aug 2018

Commercial fan and teach light installation. Late night after hours so as notbto disruot customers or business.

Chicago, IL

Over a barrel. Eagles nest play-set

Aug 2018

Over a barrel. Eagles nest play-set

La Grange Park, IL

Bathroom fan light upgrade.

Aug 2018

Bathroom fan light upgrade.

Schererville, IN

Mailbox installation.

Aug 2018

Mailbox installation.

Schererville, IN

Wireless fan and fan with dimmer installation.

Aug 2018

Wireless fan and fan with dimmer installation.

Chicago, IL

Smaller Playset

Aug 2018

Smaller play-set install

Arlington Heights, IL

Vainity install. Drain moving.

Jul 2018

Vainity install. Drain moving.

Highland, IN