House Cleaning Service - Raleigh, NC
Cleaning Authority in Raleigh, NC - expert specialists devoted to cleaning solutions. Making a choice which purification and residential purification service provider you ought to hire is critical for the final accomplishment of any home improvement job. Cleaning Authority's business address is: 2660 DISCOVERY DR , Raleigh. Our company provides service to the Raleigh North Carolina, Cary, Knightdale and Morrisville community. Raleigh, Cary, Knightdale and Morrisville are the ideal areas to own real estate. We here at Cleaning Authority want to try making the process of cleaning repair as simple as possible. It is really not cheap to complete cleaning renovating, therefore be certain you don't over pay. So what is Cleaning Authority's focus? Cleaning Authority specializes in: purification, residential purification, commercial mold removal and residential vacuum-cleaning. The complete list of every one of Cleaning Authority's services is available on our company's web-site.
24 years in business
2660 Discovery Dr Ste 128
Raleigh, NC 27616