Sensible Maintenance Solutions

Handyman - Richford, NY

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Project Gallery

A table showing the projects done by the pro








Sep 2014

At the request of our customer, we used stones which they had left over to to create a simple, stylish, and functional walkway. They wanted a path by the side of the garage with a couple of steps leading to a new patio/landing for their grill... we were happy to make it happen. Also during the time of this project, we hung a storage lift in the garage to store kayaks, and repaired/re-finished hardwood floors in the house.

Lansing, NY

Hardwood Floor Refinishing, Painting, Maintenance

Jul 2014

After purchasing their new home, but before moving in, our customer wanted a complete re-freshening of their place. We refinished hardwood floors and counter tops, repaired walls and painted, fixed doors, windows, railings, shelving, and more. When our work was completed, the family had a fresh, functional, and clean home to move in to.

Ithaca, NY

Tile and Hardwood Floor Installation

Mar 2014

This project consisted of removing old flooring, laying of appropriate sub flooring, then installation of the new flooring. After completion the entry areas had new ceramic tile, the living and dining rooms had new hardwood floors. Additionally, new plumbing and a standing shower unit was installed in one of the rooms.

Ithaca, NY

Roofing Repair

Dec 2013

The homeowner consistently had water leaking into a room on the second story. This caused a fair amount of damage to the ceiling, walls, and roof trusses. Because the shingles had been replaced somewhat recently they could not afford a full replacement. We found the location of the leak and compromised structure. Damaged trusses were strengthened, sheathing replaced, water/ice barrier and new shingles were installed in only the compromised area.

Newfield, NY

Basement Remodel

Nov 2013

The customer wanted to transform an unfinished portion of their basement into a functional guest space. The final product included a closet, an entertainment center, separate heating, a shelf along the knee wall, additional outlets, lighting, and laminate wood floors.

Brooktondale, NY

Community Center Access Ramp/Stairs

Sep 2013

This community center had very weathered and outdated handicap access ramp. We were tasked with designing and building an ADA compliant access ramp and stairs for their patrons. The greatest challenges were to create this within a very limited space, without impeding the existing walkways, disturbing underground utilities, or disrupting patrons access to areas around the site, all while being budget conscious.

Ithaca, NY