Home Inspector - Rocky Ford, CO
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SERVING SOUTH EASTERN COLORADO, The Rockies to Kansas-New Mexico to the I-70 corridor! Home Inspectors provide value by helping home buyers, rental owners and home owners determine the current condition of properties. The value comes from the extensive information on care and preservation of your biggest investment that the inspector provides to the client. Our inspectors are trained and certified through a nationally recognized program. We follow current "STANDARD OF PRACTICE FOR HOME INSPECTIONS" and "THE CODE OF ETHICS FOR THE HOME INSPECTION PROFESSION" as adopted and published by ASHI (American Society of Home Inspectors) www.ashi.org. ASHI Member# 261797 Our Inspectors are Certified Graduates of AHIT (AMERICAN HOME INSPECTOR TRAINING INSTITUTE) thereby bringing with us the experience of over 30 years and thousands of inspections! A-T Home Inspections has NRSB Certified Radon Specialist (#ARL1612) and is a NRSB Certified Lab (#16SS082)-this means RAPID results for you!
10 years in business
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Weston C.
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PO Box 8
Rocky Ford, CO 81067