HVAC Contractor - San Angelo, TX
Hi, I'm Justin, Owner of Total Comfort Heating and Cooling. Every day I have the privilege of serving the great people of San Angelo. Over the years, I have seen a bad business trend in my industry. While most people are happy that their air conditioner or furnace is repaired, too often something else breaks within days or weeks prompting another repair call. Because we trust those who serve us to do what's right, we just accept the new service call as necessary, when, in fact, many calls could be avoided with proper service the first time. While others may fix a temporary symptom, we at Total Comfort Heating and Cooling look for the root of the problem so we can offer a more permanent solution. We all like options, so why is it that most providers run in, do what they do, and zoom away, never offering you a choice? If they only offer one solution, that's not a choice, that's an ultimatum. We at Total Comfort Heating and Cooling offer you the choices you deserve and help you decide the best option for you. Customized repair and personal service - it's who we are. When you need service and want options, call us so we can take care of your Total Comfort Heating and Cooling needs!
1 N Milton St Ste 4
San Angelo, TX 76901