Desert Sky Plumbing & Heating

HVAC Contractor - Santa Fe, NM

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Project Gallery

A table showing the projects done by the pro







Boiler Rebuild

Dec 2014

Find that pressure wasn't reading on gauge. Replace temperature and pressure gauge. Boiler would not refill when water was brought back in. Change out the fast fill valve so water would enter system. Later replaced the expansion tank that had developed a leak.


Santa Fe, NM

American Disabilities Toilet

Dec 2014

Remove old toilet. Had to cut bolts to get it removed. Assemble and install new 1.28 GPF American Disabilities bowl and tank. Unusual in how it was secured. Make adjustments. Set up paperwork for city rebate.


Santa Fe, NM

Furnace Maintanance

Nov 2014

Remove and install new filters on two large commercial furnaces. Remove large Squirrel cages. Disconnect wiring from blower motors. Remove blower motors and lubricate them. Re-install blower motors back into Squirrel cages and reconnect wiring. Re-install Squirrel cages back into furnaces. Run Carbon Monoxide tests. Check gas valves and fan switches.


Santa Fe, NM

Small Kitchen remodel

Nov 2014

Install sink strainer in kitchen sink. Add an air gap. Connect electrical line to dishwasher. Connect drain line and water line. Set dishwasher in place. Raise, level, and secure it to cabinets. Drill out 2" x 4" hole in cabinets to run lines. Install new angle stop to feed water to the dishwasher. Hook up electrical, water line and drain lines. Build new drain lines under new kitchen sink. Install new kitchen faucet and tie it into water lines. Some carpentry and electrical work was needed for this project.


Santa Fe, NM

Diagnose and Repair Boiler.

Nov 2014

Find that the pilot would not stay lit on a boiler. Run electrical tests on numerous safeties and components on system. Determine that the gas vale had failed. Order the correct gas valve for that boiler. Remove old gas valve and parts. Install new gas valve. Start and check system. One zone not working properly. Remove and install a new zone valve so that zone now works properly. This project took some good diagnostic skills.


Santa Fe, NM

Water Heater Installation

Oct 2014

Remove salt tank for softening system. Shut down and drain down water heater. Remove water lines, gas line, temperature and pressure relief line, and venting. Remove water heater. Build a drip leg on the gas line. Set water heater in place. Build cold water line with an expansion tank included, per code. Build new water lines to and from water heater. Build new venting. Hook up the gas line. Turn on gas. Spray down for gas leaks. Fill and start up unit.


Santa Fe, NM