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Where To Buy Fresh Turkey

Mar 2016

Our Site: https://diestelturkey.com/category/products After you spend the time to cook the turkey Where To Buy Fresh Turkey for the highest quality turkey for your holiday meal. You will need to properly keep it warm and moist or it can dry out. If you do not allow the juices to distribute throughout the turkey before you carve it, you can end up with meat that lacks flavor and tastes dry. So wait 15-20 minutes, call the family down to the dinner table and get ready to indulge into a moist roasted turkey. Now that the hard part is over, just carve, serve, and enjoy a moist, roasted turkey that will have your whole family coming back for more!


Sonora, CA

Best Turkey

Nov 2015

Our Site: https://diestelturkey.com The Best Turkey is synonymous with thanksgiving and the best way to make sure your bird comes out succulent and juicy is to slow roast it. You will need to thaw your turkey completely before you begin. Make sure you thaw the bird in plenty of time because using the microwave or a bowl of water to thaw the bird increases the risk of bacteria, especially when the bird is going to be slow roasted. Thaw the turkey in a roasting pan in the refrigerator for one day per five pounds of bird. You might want to use a fresh bird rather than a frozen one. 


Sonora, CA

Smoked Turkey Breast

May 2013

Our Site: https://diestelturkey.com/smoked-turkey-breast Smoked Turkey Breast takes time to cook through to the bone. It is important to learn the aspects of correct cooking time from the oven accuracy, oven temperature along with the temperature of the bird when it is put in the oven whether or not it is stuffed, the height and thickness of the roasting pan, and how frequently you open the oven door. If you keep basting your turkey while cooking, the oven heat is affected by opening the door too often. So keep the basting to a minimum. 


Sonora, CA

Roasted Turkey

Aug 2012

Our Site: https://diestelturkey.com/organic-oven-roasted-whole-turkey  Studies show that the cavity of the bird insulates the stuffing from the cold environment that can incubate harmful bacteria. The safest way is to lightly stuff the Roasted Turkey just before popping it into a preheated oven. Unstuffed turkey can cook faster without drying-out and overcooking the meat. Check the temperature of the stuffing as well-160°F is ideal. When checking doneness in your turkey, simply insert a food thermometer in the thickest part of the thigh, the wing and the thickest part of the breast. The temperature should register 165ºF or higher in each part of the Roasted Turkey. 


Sonora, CA

Organic Turkey

Oct 2014

Our Site: https://diestelturkey.com It is essential to cook your turkey at a sufficiently high temperature so it is safe to eat, but be careful not to overcook it. Although Organic Turkey roasting charts are basic approximations in general, most recipes for whole roasted turkeys require an oven temperature between 325° and 375°F. Using these moderate temperatures ensure the most even cooking throughout the bird, even more so when the bird is stuffed. Some recipes outline high-roast turkey cooked at a very high 500-450ºF. High roast turkeys may render crisp and crusty breast skin, but the meat may tend to become a bit dry during roasting

Sonora, CA