Insulation Contractor - Tarrytown, NY
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We offer primarily insulation and air sealing work in the Westchester area. Mainly we work for home owners in the Tarrytown area and villages nearby. Your house is a system, everything is connected. The relationship between all the systems in the house is fundamental to their overall performance of your home. BPI accredited contractors including BK Solutions LLC focus on the "house-as-a-system concept". Such a holistic approach allows us to analyze all important factors, not just limiting our evaluation to the services we offer. BK Solutions LLC will help you identify issues with your current heating/cooling system. We measure combustion efficiency of your system and carbon monoxide levels to pinpoint possible problem areas. Sealing the building envelope, or shell of your home is the most cost-effective way to improve energy efficiency and comfort. Hot or cold air can easily bypass insulation, or just blow through it. Air barriers are key and need to be aligned with the insulation. We evaluate your home from the outside in, checking all areas from the basement to the roof for efficiency and safety. Solar systems make sense for some "privileged homes" in our region. That privilege depends on the orientation of your home towards the sun and obstructions nearby. The cost of an energy retrofit project depends on actual conditions. Like size, existing insulation values, accessibility and design. Typical improvement costs are on average 1%-10% of your home value and will increase your energy savings up to 10%-50%. Comfort improvements are subjective, but can be striking depending the situation and season. Check video testimonials and Customer comments on my website. New low interest financing solutions for up to $25,000 are available, provided the savings on your energy bills pay for your energy efficiency improvements. Our goal is comfort and savings - without stretching your budget or receiving an additional bill.
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26 Powder Horn Way
Tarrytown, NY 10591