AC Electric of Troy

Electrician - Troy, NC

Project Gallery

A table showing the projects done by the pro







Greensboro 2010

Sep 2010

Permit Number: 10-09-GCRP-03743 Permit Type: Garage - Storage Bldg. - Barn Permit Description: Residential - 1 and 2 Family detached 21 x 21 1 stry garage/lot 1 meredith & others sub/rs40/contract on file/smw 9-27-10 submitted to health for septic check/smw 9-27-10 submitted plans. eric johnson 707-2793/smw// plans reviewed (2009 ncrc) by cw 9-27-10/truss drawings required for roof by framing 9-28-10 called eric to let him know permit is ready & left message/smw


Greensboro, NC

Greensboro 2010

Mar 2010

Permit Number: 10-03-GCRP-00949 Permit Type: Addition To Single-Family Res. Permit Description: Residential - 1 and 2 Family roof & handrails over exisitng porch/not going outside footprint/rs40/lot 1/mccandless/contract on file/smw 3-22-10 submitted plans/smw contact eric johnson 707-2793/smw. PLAN REVIEWED (2009 NCRC) BY JCL 03-25-10.


Greensboro, NC

Greensboro 2009

Apr 2009

Permit Number: 09-04-GCRP-01424 Permit Type: Garage - Storage Bldg. - Barn Permit Description: Residential - 1 and 2 Family Eric Johnson 4/15/09...Addition of a 28*28 garage to right of existing sfr (Eric Johnson not ST Lic. 707-2793) copy of contract on file under 30K...plans submitted.../gmh. PLAN REVIEWED BY JCL 04-21-09. 8-19-09 $48 paid for bathroom & laundry room heated space/smw


Greensboro, NC

Greensboro 2009

Apr 2009

Permit Number: 09-04-GCRP-01423 Permit Type: Addition To Single-Family Res. Permit Description: Residential - 1 and 2 Family Eric Johnson 4/15/09...Addition of a 12*24 screen porch to rear of existing sfr (Eric Johnson not ST Lic. 707-2793) copy of contract on file under 30K...plans submitted.../gmh. PLAN REVIEWED BY JCL 04-21-09.


Greensboro, NC