Electrician - Tucson, AZ
Sunnyside Electric is a bonded electrical contractor from Tucson. They offer electric meter installation, lighting design, and circuit breaker repair. The Arizona Registrar of Contractors has accredited Sunnyside Electric. They are also accredited by the Better Business Bureau.
Paul V.
Sunnyside Electric called, I talked with him, described my situation and said I'd call him back. After doing some "proper" electrical testing with a digital multimeter, and found no problem, I called him back and told him "I'd jumped to a conclusion based on improper testing" thus had no problem other than 3 relatively inexpensive surge protectors blown. Would certainly call Sunnyside if I really do nead an electrican.
Rose L.
I set up an appointment with the person representing this company for 6 pm. At 6:10 I called and was advised he'd be there in 20 mins. No one ever showed up, nor did I get a call or text.
2321 W Virginia Pl
Tucson, AZ 85746