Doctor Cool Heating and Air

HVAC Contractor - Vestavia, AL

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based on 95 online reviews

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based on 95 online reviews
based on 95 ratings

Project Gallery

A table showing the projects done by the pro








Feb 2015

Customer called complained of unit taking too long to heat, upon inspection found that the unit was not moving very much air due to the large amount of mold on the coil. All of the air in the home was passing through this mold filled coil every hour that the unit was on.


Birmingham, AL

Electrical disconnect failure

Jan 2015

No Heat call, found the electrical disconnect melted, the original installing contractor failed to install the screws that hold the wires in place, this is why routine maintenance on the system is so important. This could have burnt down this home.


Birmingham, AL

Condenser replacement

Jan 2015

This 1980's dinosaur has taken its last inefficient breath. When the compressor died it was time for replacement, since the customer was on a budget and the indoor unit was newer and in good shape.


Hoover, AL

Coil Cleaning and Duct work

Jan 2015

Customer complained of very low air flow and cold in 1 particular room the infant baby's room. upon inspection trash and debris were found in the duct work connecting to the room, removing this and re supporting the ductwork properly fixed this issue. also the coils were found to be some of the dirtiest residential coils i have seen in the last few years.


Homewood, AL

Coil replacement on main floor and unit replacement on upstairs

Jan 2015

Customer called said she had a unit that was in need of replacement and that she had been told she needed to change both units on her home at a cost of over $20000.00. Doctor Cool was able to change the upstairs unit and repair the main floor unit for $6700.00 a savings of $13,300.00. Please don't get taken advantage of, Call for a free second opinion.


Hoover, AL

unit change out

Jan 2015

22 year old air conditioning unit leaking refrigerant, customer made the wise decision to plan ahead and do the complete replacement.


Birmingham, AL

duct work repairs

Oct 2014

On a routine maintenance I noticed that a customers attic space was quite comfortable, upon inspection i found a very large gap in the ductwork blowing conditioned air into the attic.


Birmingham, AL


Sep 2014

Capacitor replacement, this customers unit quit working on them over the weekend, only problem was a bad capacitor, with proper maintenance this unit not working could have been avoided.


Birmingham, AL

Routine Maintenance finds more safety issues

Sep 2014

During a test and inspect found the installing contractor decided that fuses are interchangeable with solid copper, this is a major safety issue the wiring in the unit would now melt before anything opened the circuit. On the same call the unit beside it had a piece of indoor wire powering the outdoor condenser.


Birmingham, AL