Top 10 HVAC Companies in West Chazy, NY

Porch Pro Headshot The Tick Tock Group, Inc.
HVAC Contractors
Serves West Chazy, New York
"Corey and his team from The Tick Tock Group were great. I needed a generator installed in case of emergency. Due to my limited abilities Corey found me an easy electric start generator. He fixed our power box to code and installed everything. He was done in no time. Now I'm set for anything the win...Read more about The Tick Tock Group, Inc.
"Corey and his team from The Tick Tock Group were great. I needed a generator installed in case of emergency. Due to my limited abilities Corey found me an easy electric start generator. He fixed our power box to code and installed everything. He was done in no time. Now I'm set for anything the win...Read more about The Tick Tock Group, Inc.
Porch Pro Headshot Red Rock Mechanical, LLC
HVAC Contractors
Serves West Chazy, New York
Red Rock Mechanical, based in Colchester, is a HVAC plumbing contractor for Burlington, VT. They offer heating and air conditioning repair, maintenance and installations along with plumbing repairs and maintenance. Give us a call to schedule a service with one of our professionals.
Red Rock Mechanical, based in Colchester, is a HVAC plumbing contractor for Burlington, VT. They offer heating and air conditioning repair, maintenance and installations along with plumbing repairs and maintenance. Give us a call to schedule a service with one of our professionals.
Porch Pro Headshot Budget Plumbing & Heating
HVAC Contractors
Serves West Chazy, New York
Budget Plumbing & Heating of Plattsburgh, NY specializes in commercial and residential plumbing and heating repair. We serve the Clinton County area in New York, and no job is too big for us. Owner and master plumber Clif Hill has more than 20 years of experience in the business. We are on call f...Read more about Budget Plumbing & Heating
Budget Plumbing & Heating of Plattsburgh, NY specializes in commercial and residential plumbing and heating repair. We serve the Clinton County area in New York, and no job is too big for us. Owner and master plumber Clif Hill has more than 20 years of experience in the business. We are on call f...Read more about Budget Plumbing & Heating
Porch Pro Headshot Leroux Fuels
HVAC Contractors
Serves West Chazy, New York
Porch Pro Headshot Mars Mechanical, LLC
HVAC Contractors
Serves West Chazy, New York
Mars Mechanical is proud to be certified in New York State as a Minority and Woman owned business, lead by Nicole and Jeffrey Mars. The immediate success of our business is built upon our team's unwavering commitment to customer service from which we quickly gained a top-notch reputation. We provide...Read more about Mars Mechanical, LLC
Mars Mechanical is proud to be certified in New York State as a Minority and Woman owned business, lead by Nicole and Jeffrey Mars. The immediate success of our business is built upon our team's unwavering commitment to customer service from which we quickly gained a top-notch reputation. We provide...Read more about Mars Mechanical, LLC
Porch Pro Headshot Snow Electric
HVAC Contractors
Serves West Chazy, New York
The Snow family business has been servicing Clinton county with quality electrical installs and service work since 1969. We will do anything for everything related to electrical work. Call us to today to solve any of your electrical needs!
The Snow family business has been servicing Clinton county with quality electrical installs and service work since 1969. We will do anything for everything related to electrical work. Call us to today to solve any of your electrical needs!
Porch Pro Headshot Merit Heating and Plumbing
HVAC Contractors
Serves West Chazy, New York
HVAC Contractors
Serves West Chazy, New York
Is your HVAC unit tired and old? Do you want to upgrade to a new unit? Save energy and money with a new HVAC system installed through Lowes. Lowes has a specialist that works exclusively with clients like you. Come into the store, call or click Lowes will schedule you for a FREE in-home appointmen...Read more about LOWE'S OF PLATTSBURGH - HVAC
Is your HVAC unit tired and old? Do you want to upgrade to a new unit? Save energy and money with a new HVAC system installed through Lowes. Lowes has a specialist that works exclusively with clients like you. Come into the store, call or click Lowes will schedule you for a FREE in-home appointmen...Read more about LOWE'S OF PLATTSBURGH - HVAC
Porch Pro Headshot Wess Heating & Plumbing
HVAC Contractors
Serves West Chazy, New York
Porch Pro Headshot Cummings Construction
HVAC Contractors
Serves West Chazy, New York
With over 20 years experience, George and his crew will satisfy all your building needs at affordable prices and quality. We provide the following services for our customers; door frame repair, renovations, inspections, home remodels, kitchen and bath remodels, and any other home improvement project...Read more about Cummings Construction
With over 20 years experience, George and his crew will satisfy all your building needs at affordable prices and quality. We provide the following services for our customers; door frame repair, renovations, inspections, home remodels, kitchen and bath remodels, and any other home improvement project...Read more about Cummings Construction

Top questions to ask before hiring an hvac company

What type of insurance do you have? Heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) professionals work on a variety of mechanical areas of the home. You'll want to ask specific questions regarding professional training and licensing, as well as what types of insurance they have (for example, mold, air pollution or worker's compensation). It's fair to ask for the dollar amounts they are covered and a quality professional will show you verification of coverage.

HVAC professionals attend to a home's thermal needs as well as air quality. Because of the technical aspects of HVAC work, find out the scope of work your professional can perform. You may only need your heating unit serviced however, if this professional also specializes in energy efficiency, mold assessment, or offer ways for you to save on energy costs, you may want to hire them for future projects. Because some equipment is gas-powered, your professional should be able to answer questions about installing gas lines and permitting.

Ask about guarantees on labor or warranties on parts for your HVAC project. It's common to have a time limitation on parts and equipment. Save any paperwork related to your project so you can refer back to instruction manuals or serial numbers.

When working with a heating and cooling professional, ask if their company offers pricing incentives to encourage you to hire them on a regular basis. It's common to have your equipment inspected and serviced at least once a year. Your HVAC company may also offer special pricing on filters, ventilation cleaning or energy assessments.

Regardless of the scope of your project, find out what you need to do to prepare your home for their visit. For example, the HVAC professional will need access to the areas in question and may need access to other mechanical or ventilation points. Make sure pets and children are kept out of the way. Ask if your project will involve removing dry wall or making any other structural changes – you may need to hire a professional drywall contractor to patch up HVAC work. If you are adding a unit that may contribute to carbon monoxide within the home, find out if you need to purchase a carbon monoxide detector.

Recent reviews for West Chazy HVAC Contractors


Great electrician and excellent work fairly priced

- Chad Snow

Cliff hill your phone is out. We need you to call us. Please get in touch with us. We need some work done.

- Michelle Sotak

All HVAC Companies in West Chazy, NY

Porch Pro Headshot North Country Contracting Services Inc.
HVAC Contractors
Serves West Chazy, New York