Better Electrical Service

Electrician - Winston Salem, NC


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Project Gallery

A table showing the projects done by the pro







Hawthorne house

Mar 2015

This was a complete house rewire. A great turn of the century home that was a pleasure to make safe and more suitable for todays electrical needs. Perhaps you have a home in need of a rebirth? Give me a call I can guide you through to the next step in this process!


Winston Salem, NC

Glenn HIgh School

Aug 2010

New Addition to Glenn high school, for science labs and a cafeteria, I managed all electrical services for this project.

Kernersville, NC

Hampton Inn

Jul 2010

Electrical Installation for a 5 story hotel, guestrooms, electrical rooms, mechanical rooms, indoor pool equipment. This project is when I discovered that I had a true gift to run electrical projects at a grand scale and do it well. This inspired me to bring it to the next level. And is the reason I'm here today! Greatly humbled and at your service!

Hickory, NC