Casual Uncluttering LLC

Home Organizer - Woodinville, WA

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Project Gallery

A table showing the projects done by the pro







University District Food Bank

May 2017

My colleagues and I from the National Association of Productivity and Organizing Professional Seattle Area Chapter did a day of service, organizing the Food Bank's offices to be more functional.


Seattle, WA

Settling an Estate

Sep 2016

I disposed of the estate of my client's deceased spouse. We sorted through and made decisions about what to keep and what to let go, how and to whom, of a greatly varied set of items. Those items included clothing, medical supplies, rare and highly specialized books, sewing supplies, and other hobby items. We had to be highly collaborative and creative to determine the best re-use or release of the possessions. The office supplies in the photo went to Homeward Pet, a fantastic animal shelter in Woodinville, WA, USA.


Monroe, WA

Exactly Where I Like to Be

Aug 2016

Working in one of the kinds of spaces I enjoy most - the rafters of a shed. I don't mind spider webs in my hair. My client and I cleared the shed of an assortment of older items my client no longer wants or needs, but hadn't had the emotional energy to examine. Everything from camping gear to lawn decorations to antique furniture.


Everett, WA

Hoarding Situation

Aug 2013

I was honored to volunteer, along with three other colleagues, in clearing out a hoarding situation under the guidance of a mentor, an expert in hoard environments. We cleared a basement: the homeowner saw the attached bathroom for the first time in seven years.


Tacoma, WA

Clearing Another Estate

May 2016

This was a team effort, clearing an estate of a person with hoarding disorder. I was not the lead contractor on this job: an outstanding colleague called for reinforcements. The entire storage room was "mine."

Bellevue, WA