Top 10 HVAC Companies in Wapella, IL

Porch Pro Headshot Tica Inc
HVAC Contractors
Serves Wapella, Illinois
Through competitive pricing, quality workmanship, good service and reliability, Tica, Inc. has grown to a company of 35 employees. Tica is not only the largest volume heating and air conditioning contractor in Decatur, but also Trane Company's largest dealer in an area that covers all of Central an...Read more about Tica Inc
Through competitive pricing, quality workmanship, good service and reliability, Tica, Inc. has grown to a company of 35 employees. Tica is not only the largest volume heating and air conditioning contractor in Decatur, but also Trane Company's largest dealer in an area that covers all of Central an...Read more about Tica Inc
Porch Pro Headshot Aire Serv of Springfield Illinois
HVAC Contractors
Serves Wapella, Illinois
AC & Heater Experts in Springfield, Illinois
AC & Heater Experts in Springfield, Illinois
Porch Pro Headshot Evans Home Inspections
HVAC Contractors
Serves Wapella, Illinois
We offer thorough and detailed Home/Building Evaluations, with Walkthrough and a Quality Report for a very reasonable price. Our reports provide detailed photo's of the home/building and its deficiencies. Need Radon Testing? We can offer you Radon Testing for $75.00 when bundled with inspection. Cal...Read more about Evans Home Inspections
We offer thorough and detailed Home/Building Evaluations, with Walkthrough and a Quality Report for a very reasonable price. Our reports provide detailed photo's of the home/building and its deficiencies. Need Radon Testing? We can offer you Radon Testing for $75.00 when bundled with inspection. Cal...Read more about Evans Home Inspections
Porch Pro Headshot Clow Controls & Service Inc
HVAC Contractors
Serves Wapella, Illinois
Clow Controls & Service Inc, is a locally owned and operated business located in Decatur, Illinois. We offer everything you need to heat, cool, and improve your indoor air quality in every corner of your home. High-quality work with a smile is what keeps our customers satisfied. We make sure that we...Read more about Clow Controls & Service Inc
Clow Controls & Service Inc, is a locally owned and operated business located in Decatur, Illinois. We offer everything you need to heat, cool, and improve your indoor air quality in every corner of your home. High-quality work with a smile is what keeps our customers satisfied. We make sure that we...Read more about Clow Controls & Service Inc
Porch Pro Headshot M & M Mechanical
HVAC Contractors
Serves Wapella, Illinois
M & M Mechanical Lincoln, IL, 62656 (217) 870-0211 At M & M Mechanical your satisfaction is our goal, we provide quality air conditioning and heating services, serving people in Lincoln IL and surrounding cities. Please call us today! Heating Systems, Steam Boilers, Boilers, Furnaces, Cooling Syst...Read more about M & M Mechanical
M & M Mechanical Lincoln, IL, 62656 (217) 870-0211 At M & M Mechanical your satisfaction is our goal, we provide quality air conditioning and heating services, serving people in Lincoln IL and surrounding cities. Please call us today! Heating Systems, Steam Boilers, Boilers, Furnaces, Cooling Syst...Read more about M & M Mechanical
Porch Pro Headshot Custom Air Company
HVAC Contractors
Serves Wapella, Illinois
When you need service on your heating and cooling systems, or have to replace current equipment, we provide reliable products, expert knowledge and timely 24 hour emergency service. For the last two decades, Custom Air Company has treated our customers exactly how we would want to be treated with f...Read more about Custom Air Company
When you need service on your heating and cooling systems, or have to replace current equipment, we provide reliable products, expert knowledge and timely 24 hour emergency service. For the last two decades, Custom Air Company has treated our customers exactly how we would want to be treated with f...Read more about Custom Air Company
Porch Pro Headshot Binder Plumbing and Heating Inc
HVAC Contractors
Serves Wapella, Illinois
Binder Plumbing & Heating, Inc. is a family owned and operated business since 1952 with a reputation of the highest quality and customer service. The corporation employs over 35 service technicians and office personnel Binder Plumbing & Heating, Inc - provides contracting services for both reside...Read more about Binder Plumbing and Heating Inc
Binder Plumbing & Heating, Inc. is a family owned and operated business since 1952 with a reputation of the highest quality and customer service. The corporation employs over 35 service technicians and office personnel Binder Plumbing & Heating, Inc - provides contracting services for both reside...Read more about Binder Plumbing and Heating Inc
Porch Pro Headshot Boma Electric
HVAC Contractors
Serves Wapella, Illinois
Porch Pro Headshot Residential Electric, Heating and, Cooling & Insulation
HVAC Contractors
Serves Wapella, Illinois
Residential Electric, Inc. has been in business since 1999. We started out specifically dealing with electric. Starting in 2013, we started installing Retrofoam and Touch N Seal (insulation). We are a family-owned and operated business, focused 100% on client satisfaction! We accept personal chec...Read more about Residential Electric, Heating and, Cooling & Insulation
Residential Electric, Inc. has been in business since 1999. We started out specifically dealing with electric. Starting in 2013, we started installing Retrofoam and Touch N Seal (insulation). We are a family-owned and operated business, focused 100% on client satisfaction! We accept personal chec...Read more about Residential Electric, Heating and, Cooling & Insulation
Porch Pro Headshot Aire Serv of Bloomington
HVAC Contractors
Serves Wapella, Illinois

Top questions to ask before hiring an hvac company

What type of insurance do you have? Heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) professionals work on a variety of mechanical areas of the home. You'll want to ask specific questions regarding professional training and licensing, as well as what types of insurance they have (for example, mold, air pollution or worker's compensation). It's fair to ask for the dollar amounts they are covered and a quality professional will show you verification of coverage.

HVAC professionals attend to a home's thermal needs as well as air quality. Because of the technical aspects of HVAC work, find out the scope of work your professional can perform. You may only need your heating unit serviced however, if this professional also specializes in energy efficiency, mold assessment, or offer ways for you to save on energy costs, you may want to hire them for future projects. Because some equipment is gas-powered, your professional should be able to answer questions about installing gas lines and permitting.

Ask about guarantees on labor or warranties on parts for your HVAC project. It's common to have a time limitation on parts and equipment. Save any paperwork related to your project so you can refer back to instruction manuals or serial numbers.

When working with a heating and cooling professional, ask if their company offers pricing incentives to encourage you to hire them on a regular basis. It's common to have your equipment inspected and serviced at least once a year. Your HVAC company may also offer special pricing on filters, ventilation cleaning or energy assessments.

Regardless of the scope of your project, find out what you need to do to prepare your home for their visit. For example, the HVAC professional will need access to the areas in question and may need access to other mechanical or ventilation points. Make sure pets and children are kept out of the way. Ask if your project will involve removing dry wall or making any other structural changes – you may need to hire a professional drywall contractor to patch up HVAC work. If you are adding a unit that may contribute to carbon monoxide within the home, find out if you need to purchase a carbon monoxide detector.

Recent reviews for Wapella HVAC Contractors


Called to make an appt. 5 days in advance for no water to my home, a well that was not working, and a water heater issue. Fifteen minutes past the appt. time I called because no body showed up and he said he forgot about it and was busy with another job....

- Jim Stads

Is NOT BBB Accredited according to the BBB web site. I do not see his Plumbing License displayed anywhere on this site, which is required by Illinois State Law.

- Steven Wagner

We had Babbs complete our radon system in June. In doing so, they messed up our sub pump. As a result of this, we got two feet of water in our basement which has never happened in 30+ years at this residence. Even when water *has* been in the basement, it...

- A Jones

All HVAC Companies in Wapella, IL

Porch Pro Headshot LOWE'S OF DECATUR - HVAC
HVAC Contractors
Serves Wapella, Illinois
Is your HVAC unit tired and old? Do you want to upgrade to a new unit? Save energy and money with a new HVAC system installed through Lowes. Lowes has a specialist that works exclusively with clients like you. Come into the store, call or click Lowes will schedule you for a FREE in-home appointmen...Read more about LOWE'S OF DECATUR - HVAC
Is your HVAC unit tired and old? Do you want to upgrade to a new unit? Save energy and money with a new HVAC system installed through Lowes. Lowes has a specialist that works exclusively with clients like you. Come into the store, call or click Lowes will schedule you for a FREE in-home appointmen...Read more about LOWE'S OF DECATUR - HVAC
Porch Pro Headshot Babb Service Co.
HVAC Contractors
Serves Wapella, Illinois
Porch Pro Headshot AAK Mechanical Inc
HVAC Contractors
Serves Wapella, Illinois
AAK Mechanical is an HVAC specialist based out of Clinton. They offer HVAC services, air duct cleaning, and HVAC installation as well as other services.
AAK Mechanical is an HVAC specialist based out of Clinton. They offer HVAC services, air duct cleaning, and HVAC installation as well as other services.
Porch Pro Headshot Tarter Brothers Mechanical Inc
HVAC Contractors
Serves Wapella, Illinois
Porch Pro Headshot Tarter Brothers Mechanical Inc
HVAC Contractors
Serves Wapella, Illinois
Porch Pro Headshot Hawkey Heating and Cooling
HVAC Contractors
Serves Wapella, Illinois
Porch Pro Headshot Tallon Heating and Cooling
HVAC Contractors
Serves Wapella, Illinois
Tallon Heating & Cooling is an HVAC company from Heyworth. They offer services such as HVAC repair, water line installation and other services.
Tallon Heating & Cooling is an HVAC company from Heyworth. They offer services such as HVAC repair, water line installation and other services.
Porch Pro Headshot Bratcher Comfort
HVAC Contractors
Serves Wapella, Illinois