Looking for a converter to use a 220 dryer with a 110v outlet if possible?
I live in an older condo. I am trying to replace my washer and dryer. Most dryers are all electric using 220v. My outlet has a 110v. Is there a converter available that I could use? Do I have to change the entire outlet? Please help.
February 28th, 2018
Asked by mark m.
Chula Vista, CA
Electrical Services
1 answer
May 27th 2018
Mark: Yes there are converters made if you Internet search your question. However, for best performance purchase a 120 Volt clothes dryer, there are several made usually called "apartment" dryers that use 120 Volts. We know Lowes sells a Whirlpool brand model LDR3822PQ dryer that is 120 Volts. Thank you.