How Much Does It Cost To Excavate Driveway?

Typical range: $913-$2,034

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cost to excavate driveway Calculator

For your project in zip code 43215 with these options, the cost to excavate driveway starts at $1.43-$3.18 per square foot. Your actual price will depend on job size, conditions, finish options you choose.

Cost Calculator
Calculations are dependent on where you live
Square Feet

Standard ServicesQuantityLowHigh
What you can expect
Range per square foot:$1.43$3.18
Range for this type of project:$913$2,034
Estimate: $1,473
Driveway Excavation Labor, Basic
Labor cost, under typical conditions, for complete project. Dig safety will be assessed and verified. Excavation location will be staked, and soil and rocks removed to specified depth. Rate is inclusive of all aspects of the project, such as thorough planning, acquisition of equipment and material, preparation and protection of project site, and meticulous cleanup.
Driveway Excavation Equipment Allowance
Daily rental of specialty equipment for maximum quality and efficiency. These include skid loader with attachments for excavation, demolition, and loading. Consumable equipment elements not included.
Driveway Excavation Debris Disposal
square feet
Responsible disposal of all project debris, including the cost to load and haul old materials, installation waste, and any other refuse.
Standard services
Driveway Excavation Labor, Basic
$266 -$1,254
Labor cost, under typical conditions, for complete project. Dig safety will be assessed and verified. Excavation location will be staked, and soil and rocks removed to specified depth. Rate is inclusive of all aspects of the project, such as thorough planning, acquisition of equipment and material, preparation and protection of project site, and meticulous cleanup.
Driveway Excavation Equipment Allowance
$155 -$220
Daily rental of specialty equipment for maximum quality and efficiency. These include skid loader with attachments for excavation, demolition, and loading. Consumable equipment elements not included.
Driveway Excavation Debris Disposal
$492 -$559
square feet
Responsible disposal of all project debris, including the cost to load and haul old materials, installation waste, and any other refuse.
Optional Services
What you can expect
Range per square foot:
$1 - $3
Range for this type of project:
$913 - $2,034
Cost Comparison

$948 -$2,111

Excavate Driveway: national average cost

The national average materials cost to excavate driveway is $0.85 per square foot, with a range between $0.80 to $0.91. The total price for labor and materials per square foot is $2.39, coming in between $1.48 to $3.30. A typical 640 square foot project costs $1,529.28, with a range of $947.53 to $2,111.02. Your actual price will depend on your location, job size, conditions and finish options you choose.
cost to excavate driveway
National Avg. Materials Cost per square foot$0.85
National Avg. Cost (labor and materials) for 640 square foot$1,529.28
National Cost Range (labor and materials) for 640 square foot$947.53 - $2,111.02
Last updated
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