My bathtub has leaked and needs more support underneath. Does a plumber do that kind of work? What will it cost? I don't want to do a full remodel at this time.
Home inspector found rotten wood/water damage under the tub in my crawlspace. Also need caulking to prevent future leaks.
May 8th, 2018
Deland, FL
Plumbing Services
1 answer
May 8th 2018
Most plumbers do not and should not make structural repairs. The type of repair, and the cost, will depend on the extent of the damage. It could cost anywhere from a few hundred dollars to a few thousand dollars. There's no way to tell without looking at the situation. I'd start by asking your home inspector about the situation and about what type of specialist he/she would suggest. Your home inspector has seen the damage and can advise you. Most of us are willing to help our clients with these questions.
Jane D. commented on May 12th 2018
Thank you!
Project Problem Solvers Handyman Specialist LLC commented on July 4th 2018
I know you still in need of a plumber or someone to be able to fix that leak or take a look at it project problem solvers handyman Specialists is on the job give us a call today at 724-851-5543 and we can come out ASAP just give us a time and place