How Much Does It Cost To Install A Laminate Countertop?

Typical range: $3,202-$4,952

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For your project in zip code 43215 with these options, the cost to install a laminate countertop starts at $26.69-$41.27 per square foot. Your actual price will depend on job size, conditions, finish options you choose.

It costs $40 to $80 to install one square foot of laminate countertop, which includes both materials and labor cost to install kitchen countertops. You can expect $791 to $1,625 as the total laminate countertop installation cost for the average kitchen. This figure is based on a materials cost of $10 to $40 per square foot and labor costs ranging from $30 to $40 per hour. The actual project cost will depend on the kitchen size, finish options, conditions, and location. Both durable and inexpensive, laminate material is one of the most cost-effective options for countertops.

Cost Calculator
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Square Feet

Standard ServicesQuantityLowHigh
What you can expect
Range per square foot:$26.69$41.27
Range for this type of project:$3,202$4,952
Estimate: $4,077
Laminate Countertop Cost
square feet
Cost of resdiential-grade formed countertop with shaped edge and integral backsplash. Rate is inclusive of local delivery, as well as standard excess for perfect installation and occasional repairs. One-year warranty guarantees excellence.
Laminate Countertop Labor, Basic
Labor cost, under typical conditions, for complete installation. Countertop with basic edge will be laid out and fabricated, and cutouts made for single sink and faucet. Countertop will be installed and secured. Rate is inclusive of all aspects of the project, such as thorough planning, acquisition of equipment and material, preparation and protection of installation site, and meticulous cleanup.
Laminate Countertop Job Supplies
square feet
Requisite supplies for the job, including fabrication consumables, fasteners, sealants, and caulking.
Laminate Countertop Equipment Allowance
Daily rental of specialty equipment for maximum quality and efficiency. These include pneumatic-finish nailer, 10" miter saw, electric jigsaw, 3" belt sander, and 3-1/4" electric planer. Consumable equipment elements not included.
Laminate Countertop Debris Disposal
square feet
Responsible disposal of all project debris, including the cost to load and haul old materials, installation waste, and any other refuse.
Optional Services
Option: Remove Existing Countertop
Flooring, cabinetry, and appliances in proximity to countertop will be protected. Existing countertop will be detached, broken into portable segments, and removed from premises.
Standard services
Laminate Countertop Cost
$2,593 -$3,596
square feet
Cost of resdiential-grade formed countertop with shaped edge and integral backsplash. Rate is inclusive of local delivery, as well as standard excess for perfect installation and occasional repairs. One-year warranty guarantees excellence.
Laminate Countertop Labor, Basic
$304 -$993
Labor cost, under typical conditions, for complete installation. Countertop with basic edge will be laid out and fabricated, and cutouts made for single sink and faucet. Countertop will be installed and secured. Rate is inclusive of all aspects of the project, such as thorough planning, acquisition of equipment and material, preparation and protection of installation site, and meticulous cleanup.
Laminate Countertop Job Supplies
$253 -$288
square feet
Requisite supplies for the job, including fabrication consumables, fasteners, sealants, and caulking.
Laminate Countertop Equipment Allowance
$52 -$76
Daily rental of specialty equipment for maximum quality and efficiency. These include pneumatic-finish nailer, 10" miter saw, electric jigsaw, 3" belt sander, and 3-1/4" electric planer. Consumable equipment elements not included.
Laminate Countertop Debris Disposal
$68 -$78
square feet
Responsible disposal of all project debris, including the cost to load and haul old materials, installation waste, and any other refuse.
Optional Services
Option: Remove Existing Countertop
$54 -$342
Flooring, cabinetry, and appliances in proximity to countertop will be protected. Existing countertop will be detached, broken into portable segments, and removed from premises.
What you can expect
Range per square foot:
$27 - $41
Range for this type of project:
$3,202 - $4,952
Cost Comparison

$3,324 -$5,141

Install a Laminate Countertop: national average cost

The national average materials cost to install a laminate countertop is $25.07 per square foot, with a range between $21.01 to $29.14. The total price for labor and materials per square foot is $35.27, coming in between $27.70 to $42.84. A typical 120 square foot project costs $4,232.55, with a range of $3,324.38 to $5,140.72. Your actual price will depend on your location, job size, conditions and finish options you choose.
cost to install a laminate countertop
National Avg. Materials Cost per square foot$25.07
National Avg. Cost (labor and materials) for 120 square foot$4,232.55
National Cost Range (labor and materials) for 120 square foot$3,324.38 - $5,140.72

Cost of laminate countertops

A typical laminate countertop installation project for 30 linear feet of kitchen counters will run you in the neighborhood of $1,575, which includes materials, labor, and other project costs. Laminate sheets are typically sold in 60" by 144" sections ranging from $100 to $300. The laminate countertops will be placed over a supportive plywood or medium-density fiberboard (MDF) layer, which range from $6 to $45 per 4' by 8' sheet, depending on the material quality. Project costs will vary largely depending on the finish, grade, and pattern of the material you choose.

Cost to install laminate countertops

Just how much does it cost to install countertops? The cost to install countertops will depend on several factors: which grade of laminate you choose, the size and layout of your kitchen, and whether or not you hire a contractor or do the project yourself. Most contractors can complete a laminate countertop installation in 8 to 10 hours at a rate of $30 to $40 per hour. You will need to factor in an additional cost of $500 to $800 for the removal of old countertop material. The material cost itself for an average kitchen with 30 square feet of counter space will run from about $300 to $1,200, depending on the quality of laminate.

As you can see, homeowners can save a substantial amount of money by handling the labor portion of the project themselves. While laminate installations are fairly easy in terms of home improvement projects, there may be certain situations where it is more prudent to hire the labor out to a skilled contractor.

Cost to replace laminate countertops

Replacing countertops, rather than installing from scratch, may result in an additional cost of $240 to $300. Some contractors will charge the same rate for a job involving a replacement. However, others may charge an additional fee of $8 to $10 per linear foot to remove and dispose of the old countertops. It's a good idea to review your quotes carefully to see how different companies will charge for the old countertop removal.

Laminate countertop cost per square foot

Laminate countertops cost $10 per square foot on the low end but can range as high as $40 per square for luxury grades and finishes. You can save money by sticking with uniform colors and subdued patterns rather than bolder colors and elaborate designs. Thicker laminates with a higher durability rating will cost more than the thinner variety, which may be worth it for the added longevity. With proper care, laminate countertops can last for 20 or 30 years. The laminate countertop cost per linear foot will depend on the depth of your countertops, as well as the style of edge you choose.

The following table shows the average cost to install laminate countertops per square foot:

Square FeetAverage CostLowest CostHighest Cost

Laminate pricing per sheet of section

You can purchase prefabricated laminate countertop sections at home improvement stores such as Lowe's and Home Depot for about $50 to $100. Prices will vary according to manufacturer, color, style, and finish. Sections come in lengths of 4' and 8', or in corner pieces. Purchasing prefabricated laminate sections and doing the installation yourself can be a real bargain since you will be able to save on the labor cost to install kitchen countertops.

Labor cost to install laminate countertops

Countertop installation labor costs range from $30 to $40 per hour. A typical laminate countertop installation project will take a skilled contractor 8 to 10 hours to complete, so expect to pay anywhere from $240 to $400 for the installation. You may also need to account for the removal and disposal of the old countertop material. Most professionals will charge a flat rate of $500 to $800 for this service. The total labor cost when accounting for disposal, removal, and installation of new countertops ranges from $740 to $1,200.

Laminate cost by material

Laminate countertops are installed on top of firm counter substrates made of plywood or medium-density fiberboard (MDF), so you will need to account this cost into your project budget. Counter panels are usually sold as 4' and 8' sheets. Keep in mind that the laminate itself should be purchased in sheets longer and wider than the substrate so there will be enough material to wrap around the edges. Laminate counter substrate materials are priced as follows:

Laminate Material CostAverage CostLowest CostHighest Cost

Formica vs. granite cost

Formica is one of the most well-recognized and popular brand names of laminate countertops. An affordable option, Formica averages $15 per square foot but can range as high as $40 per square foot depending on the style. The cost to install Formica countertops is comparable to other popular laminate brands. It is available in many different colors, patterns, and textures, making it an affordable way to get a granite-like appearance without paying the cost for a granite slab. Granite costs anywhere from $40 to $60 per square foot. Additionally, granite slabs are heavy and nearly possible to install without a skilled professional, so you are unlikely to save any money on labor costs.

Laminate countertop prices by type

Laminate countertop prices vary widely by the type of finish you select, so it's a good idea to weigh the costs and benefits of each material. Consider what sort of wear and tear your kitchen might receive over the years, since a high-durability finish may help you extend the longevity of the installation. An anti-microbial finish is helpful for keeping countertops clean and sanitary. Estimating the cost of each finish beforehand can give you a helpful estimate for planning your budget. Here are the most common types of countertop finish and their average costs:


You can save the most money by sticking to the basics. Laminate countertops with a standard finish are priced between $10 to $15 per square foot.


Laminate countertops with an antimicrobial finish typically cost $15 to $30 per square foot. The added cost may be worth it since they will help you keep a safer, more hygienic kitchen.

High durability

Countertops with a high-durability finish range from $20 to $40 per square foot. The added cost can translate into greater longevity since it will be harder to scuff, scratch, and ding the surface during normal kitchen use.

Laminate Countertop TypesAverage CostLowest CostHighest Cost
High Durability$30.00$20.00$40.00

Laminate countertop prices by brand

While the "Formica" brand name is often interchangeable with laminate countertops, there are actually several high-quality brands to choose from offering a wealth of options for color, durability, pattern, and edge treatment. Laminate countertops used to be considered both low-cost and low-quality compared to higher-end materials such as granite. However, several manufacturers, including Formica and Wilsonart now offer luxury finishes and patterns. Luxury laminate countertops are a cost-effective way to mimic the appearance of stone and wood. They also have fewer visible seams and a highly durable finish.

The average costs of laminate countertops from different brands are as follows:

Laminate Countertop BrandsAverage CostLowest CostHighest Cost

Laminate countertop edge options cost

Standard laminate countertops feature a square edge, which comes at no additional cost. However, some newer designs and luxury countertops offer a variety of decorative edges that can add enhanced aesthetic appeal to your kitchen. Here are some typical cost ranges.


Standard square edges come at no additional cost.


No-drip edges feature a lip along the edge to catch spills and cost $5 to $7 per linear foot.


Eased edges are a slightly softened version of a square and cost $5 to $7 per linear foot.

Full bullnose

A full bullnose edge is a rounded edge that gives your kitchen a fluid, classic look. This style costs $7 to $10 per square foot.

Half bullnose

Featuring a slight curve on the upper edge and a squared bottom edge, a half bullnose is a functional style that allows water to run off the countertop without damaging the underlying cabinets. This style costs between $7 to $10 per linear foot.


A ogee edge is a more intricate style that is often seen in traditional kitchen designs. This style costs between $10 to $20 per linear foot.


The intricate Dupont edge is a popular luxury style that is typical of granite and marble countertops. This style is priced between $10 to $20 per linear foot.

Laminate Countertop Edge OptionsAverage CostLowest CostHighest Cost
Full bullnose$8.50$7.00$10.00
Half bullnose$8.50$7.00$10.00

Other countertops costs

Laminate is easily the most affordable and cost-effective countertop surface, and with new luxury options, you can easily achieve a high-end look at a fraction of the cost. Here's how the cost of laminate countertops stacks up against other popular materials:


Average cost to install a laminate countertop is $1,575 per 30 square feet.


Average cost to install a granite countertop is $4,440 per 30 square feet.


Average cost to install a marble countertop is $4,620 per 30 square feet.


Average cost to install a quartz countertop is $3,750 per 20 square feet.

DIY vs hire a pro

The great thing about laminate countertops is that they are fairly straightforward to install, especially compared with stone and wood varieties. You can also save a load of money by purchasing laminate sections at the hardware store and handling the installation yourself. Before moving forward with the DIY route, however, here are a few considerations:

  • Some kitchen layouts are more DIY-friendly than others. Countertop sections that are open on one or both ends are fairly straightforward, even for a novice. However, kitchens with a continuous U-shaped countertop that are enclosed by walls on multiple sides are far trickier. For a tighter, more complex kitchen layout, you are better off hiring a professional.
  • Some home improvement projects can take weeks to complete, something most homeowners don't have the time for. For those projects, it almost always makes more sense financially to hire a pro, even at a heftier price. Fortunately, a laminate countertop installation can be accomplished in a weekend. If you are reasonably proficient in precision measuring and operating power tools, you may be able to save hundreds of dollars in labor costs alone.
  • While laminate countertop installations are more approachable than some other home improvement projects, there is always a greater chance that you'll make a mistake. This can result in an uneven seem, or even having to re-purchase a panel of laminate material. Depending on your confidence level and proficiency with tools, you may feel better letting a professional do the job.
  • Laminate countertop installations require several specialized tools, including belt sanders and power saws. You may or may not have these tools on hand. Purchasing quality tools new will cost hundreds of dollars and may well wipe out any savings you would otherwise make on labor costs. If you're not planning on using the required tools for any future projects, you may be better off hiring the project out to a contractor.

Pros and cons of laminate countertops


  • Laminate is a fraction of the cost of more expensive options like granite, marble, and quartz.
  • Laminate is available in a wide variety of colors and textures and can even mimic more expensive wood and stone.
  • Laminate is easy to care for; unlike granite, it doesn't require any special chemicals for cleaning.
  • Laminate is highly durable and stands up well to everyday kitchen use.


  • Unlike fancier wood and stone options, laminate countertops will not add value to your house.
  • Laminate is somewhat prone to cuts, dings, and scratches, so you will need to be careful when working with knives.
  • Laminate has a lower heat tolerance than granite and can be damaged by hot pots and pans.
  • Laminate can become dull and discolored if not properly cleaned and maintained.

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