How Much Does It Cost To Move A Gas Line?

Typical range: $797-$976

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For your project in zip code 43215 with these options, the cost to move a gas line starts at $796.52-$975.63 per line. Your actual price will depend on job size, conditions, finish options you choose.

Moving the gas lines may become a necessity when installing a new appliance, remodeling a kitchen or updating an older home. Whether homeowners need to move the gas pipes a few inches, a few feet or to another part of the house, this job requires specialized knowledge of pressurized gas systems and pipefitting techniques.

Cost Calculator
Calculations are dependent on where you live

Standard ServicesQuantityLowHigh
What you can expect
Range per line:$796.52$975.63
Range for this type of project:$797$976
Estimate: $886
Basic Labor for Gas Line Moving / Relocation
Standard labor cost to move gas line, from a full site assessment to preparation, installation and cleanup. New connection and shut-off valve will be fit and installed, secured, and tested for leaks. Line can extend up to 30' from existing connection.
Job Supplies for Gas Line Moving / Relocation
Standard supplies and materials used in the moving and installation process, such as connectors, fittings, and mounting hardware.
Equipment Allowance for Gas Line Moving / Relocation
Overhead cost to maintain heavy equipment, such as the pipe cutter and threader, tubing cutter, brazing kit, and pipe wrenches. This is assessed as a daily rental fee, while single-use elements will incur separate charges.
Standard services
Basic Labor for Gas Line Moving / Relocation
$655 -$794
Standard labor cost to move gas line, from a full site assessment to preparation, installation and cleanup. New connection and shut-off valve will be fit and installed, secured, and tested for leaks. Line can extend up to 30' from existing connection.
Job Supplies for Gas Line Moving / Relocation
$118 -$134
Standard supplies and materials used in the moving and installation process, such as connectors, fittings, and mounting hardware.
Equipment Allowance for Gas Line Moving / Relocation
$23 -$47
Overhead cost to maintain heavy equipment, such as the pipe cutter and threader, tubing cutter, brazing kit, and pipe wrenches. This is assessed as a daily rental fee, while single-use elements will incur separate charges.
Optional Services
What you can expect
Range per line:
$797 - $976
Range for this type of project:
$797 - $976
Cost Comparison

$827 -$1,013

Move a gas line: national average cost

The national average materials cost to move a gas line is $130.87 per line, with a range between $122.44 to $139.29. The total price for labor and materials per line is $919.80, coming in between $826.84 to $1,012.76. Your actual price will depend on your location, job size, conditions and finish options you choose.
cost to move a gas line
National Avg. Materials Cost per line$130.87
National Avg. Cost (labor and materials) for 1 line$919.80
National Cost Range (labor and materials) for 1 line$826.84 - $1,012.76

What's Required to Move a Gas Line?

First, the plumber must turn off the gas supply and safely depressurize the lines before disconnecting and removing the old pipes and cutting and threading the new ones. Next, the plumber uses specialized techniques to create welded, threaded or flared fittings that join the new and existing pipes. Once the new gas lines and valves are in place, the plumber restores the gas supply and performs final pressure tests.

Estimating the Cost of Moving a Gas Line

The cost of moving a gas line depends on the scope of the project and possible complicating factors associated with the existing infrastructure or building's layout. The following items may influence the cost of materials and labor:

  • The relocation distance
  • The length of pipe that needs to be replaced
  • The type of connections used by the appliances
  • Whether appliances require high-capacity gas pipes
  • The age and condition of the existing gas lines
  • The number of fittings and joints

The cost of the project also increases if additional construction is needed to access the work area. For example, the plumber may have to cut through the floor or wall to access concealed gas pipes.

Working With a Professional Plumber

Due to potential safety concerns, building projects that involve moving the gas lines should be performed by a master plumber who has the appropriate license endorsement. By hiring a professional, homeowners can be certain that the completed work complies with all building codes and passes the final inspection. A plumber can also help with securing the necessary permits.

Last updated
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