How Much Does It Cost To Install A Flagstone Patio?

Typical range: $1,818-$2,352

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For your project in zip code 43215 with these options, the cost to install a flagstone patio starts at $15.15-$19.60 per square foot. Your actual price will depend on job size, conditions, finish options you choose.

Installing a flagstone patio brings a sophisticated, beautiful aesthetic to your outdoor space. If you’re wondering how much your flagstone patio cost will be, the total price may be as low as $750 to as much as $8,000 or more. Your total price mostly depends on the size of the patio, but other factors may also be at play. The method of installation is just one part of what may impact the cost. This guide provides more in-depth information regarding what you can expect from a flagstone patio installation and how much money you’ll need to budget for the project.

Cost Calculator
Calculations are dependent on where you live
Square Feet

Standard ServicesQuantityLowHigh
What you can expect
Range per square foot:$15.15$19.60
Range for this type of project:$1,818$2,352
Estimate: $2,085
Flagstone Patio Cost
square feet
Cost of residential-grade, 1"-thick flagstones sized from 12"x12" to 24"x36". Rate is inclusive of local delivery, as well as standard excess for perfect installation and occasional repairs.
Flagstone Patio Labor, Basic
Labor cost, under typical conditions, for complete installation. Area to be paved will be laid out, marked, and excavated. 4" base gravel, edge border, and 2" of bedding sand will be laid. Stone will be assembled, set, and leveled, and polymer-modified sand added to joints. Rate is inclusive of all aspects of the project, such as thorough planning, acquisition of equipment and material, preparation and protection of project site, and meticulous cleanup.
Flagstone Patio Job Supplies
square feet
Requisite supplies for the job, including cutting and grinding materials, mortar, and reinforcement.
Flagstone Patio Equipment Allowance
Daily rental of specialty equipment that maximizes the quality and efficiency of the work. These include a 115V wet masonry saw, 5-cubic-foot mortar box, and small plate compactor. Consumable equipment elements not included.
Optional Services
Option: Slab Excavation
Existing sidewalk, slab, or driveway will be excavated with hand tools to a uniform depth (up to 8") below final surface level. Excavation material will be distributed on site.
Standard services
Flagstone Patio Cost
$481 -$726
square feet
Cost of residential-grade, 1"-thick flagstones sized from 12"x12" to 24"x36". Rate is inclusive of local delivery, as well as standard excess for perfect installation and occasional repairs.
Flagstone Patio Labor, Basic
$1,230 -$1,491
Labor cost, under typical conditions, for complete installation. Area to be paved will be laid out, marked, and excavated. 4" base gravel, edge border, and 2" of bedding sand will be laid. Stone will be assembled, set, and leveled, and polymer-modified sand added to joints. Rate is inclusive of all aspects of the project, such as thorough planning, acquisition of equipment and material, preparation and protection of project site, and meticulous cleanup.
Flagstone Patio Job Supplies
$52 -$60
square feet
Requisite supplies for the job, including cutting and grinding materials, mortar, and reinforcement.
Flagstone Patio Equipment Allowance
$54 -$76
Daily rental of specialty equipment that maximizes the quality and efficiency of the work. These include a 115V wet masonry saw, 5-cubic-foot mortar box, and small plate compactor. Consumable equipment elements not included.
Optional Services
Option: Slab Excavation
$154 -$187
Existing sidewalk, slab, or driveway will be excavated with hand tools to a uniform depth (up to 8") below final surface level. Excavation material will be distributed on site.
What you can expect
Range per square foot:
$15 - $20
Range for this type of project:
$1,818 - $2,352
Cost Comparison

$1,887 -$2,442

Install a Flagstone Patio: national average cost

The national average materials cost to install a flagstone patio is $4.89 per square foot, with a range between $3.90 to $5.88. The total price for labor and materials per square foot is $18.04, coming in between $15.72 to $20.35. A typical 120 square foot project costs $2,164.33, with a range of $1,886.86 to $2,441.79. Your actual price will depend on your location, job size, conditions and finish options you choose.
cost to install a flagstone patio
National Avg. Materials Cost per square foot$4.89
National Avg. Cost (labor and materials) for 120 square foot$2,164.33
National Cost Range (labor and materials) for 120 square foot$1,886.86 - $2,441.79

Flagstone patio cost by square foot

On average, the cost of flagstone per square foot is approximately $15 to $30. In most cases, the total price will depend on the actual size of your patio. If you want a special design or an unusually shaped patio, plan to pay more. Some flagstones that must be shipped a long distance will cost more. For example, if the flagstone you want is mined on the east coast but needs to be shipped to California, the bottom-line price per square foot will be higher.

Flagstones with factory-cut edges cost less than irregularly shaped stones. Irregular flagstones must be chipped and fitted by hand for proper installation in a patio setting.

Installation costs for a flagstone patio

Other than the patio size, the biggest cost factor to install a flagstone patio is the installation method. A dry-laid patio is the easiest to install, so the labor cost is lower than a mortar-set installation, for example. Concrete-set or wet-laid flagstone patio installations cost significantly more, so it’s important to understand which method you’ll require before signing a contract for the project.

Here is a breakdown of the different costs based on various flagstone installation methods:


The cost to install a flagstone patio using the dry-laid method is the most affordable, with costs coming in at around $15 to $17 per square foot. Labor costs around $11 per square foot. Prepare to pay between $1,900 to $4,400 for this type of patio installation.

The stones sit on top of sand and gravel rather than on top of concrete, but the area needs to be excavated and leveled first. After the land is prepped, the installer adds a sand and gravel mixture, then places the flagstones on top of it in your desired shape and size. Grout is added between each of the stones to keep them secure and to add an attractive look to the finished product.


This option is similar to dry-laid flagstone patios, except mortar is used instead of sand and gravel. Using mortar ensures that your new flagstone patio is more durable and stable, making it a wise option for patios with heavy foot traffic.

Prepare to pay between $800 and $7,200 for a mortar-set flagstone patio, with a labor cost of around $12 per square foot. Overall, your cost per square foot for this method of installation comes to an average of between $16 and $18. While it costs slightly more than a dry-laid installation, your new patio should last longer and experience less shifting.


Also referred to as a wet-laid installation, a concrete-set flagstone patio is the most expensive option available since it requires more labor and materials. Plan to pay between $950 to $8,400 for this type of patio, depending on the size. Labor for a concrete-set flagstone patio costs approximately $15 per square foot with a total square footage price of between $19 to $21.

After the patio area is excavated and leveled, the contractor cuts the stones to size and fits them into place. Next, four inches of concrete is mixed and poured to set the base, and each stone must be laid quickly to prevent the concrete from drying before it’s complete. Once the patio is set, grout is added for a nicely finished look. 

Flagstone patio cost breakdown

When you research “How much does flagstone cost?” keep in mind that prices depend on a few variables. You’ll want to get at least three estimates from local contractors with a detailed breakdown. This is the best way to help you determine which option will work for you, your needs, and your project budget.

Here’s a basic cost breakdown to help you get a better idea of how much you should plan to pay:


The cost of labor to install a flagstone patio varies between $11 to $15 per square foot, on average. Current labor rates, the installation method you choose, and the complexity of the landscape and design also play a role. Smaller patios may cost between $500 to $750 for labor, while larger patios may run closer to between $4,000 and $6,000 for the labor portion of the project alone.

Installing flagstones is a difficult and time-consuming job. Even if you think you can save money by doing the work yourself, you’ll save a lot of time and possible back pain when you hire a professional contractor. Professionals also know how to cut the stone properly for a snug fit, which results in less wasted materials.

Materials or type of stone

The material you select may also impact your total price. Various flagstones feature a range of colors and a variety of natural materials. Some examples include bluestone, limestone, sandstone, slate, and quartzite. Since each of these stone types must be mined and shipped to your location, the cost will vary depending on where you live.

Each stone has its own unique appearance. Bluestone has a bluish-gray color, while slate is a soft, silvery gray or green hue. Sandstone is more earthy and typically has a mixture of light tan and deep red. Talk to your contractor or look at some samples to decide which type of stone is best for your patio.

Design complexity

Basic, simple designs using flagstones with factory-cut edges will usually cost less than more complex designs. Plan to pay higher labor costs if you want a complicated pattern for your patio. You might need to pay additional material costs since there will likely be more waste produced in order for the installer to custom-cut each stone. Set aside up to 25% or more if you want a complex patio design.


Some locations require a construction permit before you can install a new flagstone patio. These permits tend to cost approximately $150, but they may be included in your contractor's price. Always confirm to ensure that no permit is needed or that your patio installer will obtain the permit if you need one and include it in the price.

Time of year

Some patio installation companies may charge you more if you want a new patio installed during the cold winter months. This is also the off-season for many outdoor contractors, so finding help could be more difficult. It’s best to wait until early spring to secure lower labor rates.

DIY or hire a pro

You may wonder if you should install a new flagstone patio DIY or leave it to the professionals. If you do it yourself, it should cost between $855 and $1,380 for a 200-square-foot patio. Remember to include the cost of sand, gravel, or mortar, plus any special equipment and tools required. Cutting and sealing flagstone is time-consuming and requires skill, so this is usually a job best left for professionals to tackle. Always use a pro if you’re opting for a concrete-laid flagstone patio if you want the job to be done right the first time.

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