How Much Does It Cost To Install A Gas Patio Heater?

Typical range: $431-$527

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For your project in zip code 43215 with these options, the cost to install a gas patio heater starts at $431.33-$526.81 per heater. Your actual price will depend on job size, conditions, finish options you choose.

If you appreciate the great outdoors but don't want the chill, a gas patio heater can expand your outdoor enjoyment long after summer has passed. These convenient heaters use natural gas or propane to heat your outdoor space with ease. Whether you're new to the idea of gas patio heaters or need to replace your old one, we've compiled some information to help you determine the cost as well as other important factors. From freestanding heaters to tabletop and beyond, read on to learn more about how much it costs to install a gas patio heater.

Cost Calculator
Calculations are dependent on where you live

Standard ServicesQuantityLowHigh
What you can expect
Range per heater:$431.33$526.81
Range for this type of project:$431$527
Estimate: $479
Gas Heater Cost
Cost of residential-grade, 45,000-BTU natural gas patio heater. Stainless steel unit can be flour-mounted or freestanding.
Gas Heater Labor, Basic
Labor cost, under typical conditions, for complete installation. Mounting hardware will be secured, and heater installed. Fee is inclusive of all aspects of the project, such as thorough planning, acquisition of equipment and material, preparation and protection of project site, and meticulous cleanup.
Gas Heater Job Supplies
Requisite supplies for the job, including fasteners, load transfer hardware, and connectors.
Standard services
Gas Heater Cost
$294 -$361
Cost of residential-grade, 45,000-BTU natural gas patio heater. Stainless steel unit can be flour-mounted or freestanding.
Gas Heater Labor, Basic
$124 -$150
Labor cost, under typical conditions, for complete installation. Mounting hardware will be secured, and heater installed. Fee is inclusive of all aspects of the project, such as thorough planning, acquisition of equipment and material, preparation and protection of project site, and meticulous cleanup.
Gas Heater Job Supplies
$14 -$16
Requisite supplies for the job, including fasteners, load transfer hardware, and connectors.
Optional Services
What you can expect
Range per heater:
$431 - $527
Range for this type of project:
$431 - $527
Cost Comparison

$448 -$547

Install a Gas Patio Heater: national average cost

The national average materials cost to install a gas patio heater is $339.71 per heater, with a range between $304.78 to $374.64. The total price for labor and materials per heater is $497.30, coming in between $447.74 to $546.86. Your actual price will depend on your location, job size, conditions and finish options you choose.
cost to install a gas patio heater
National Avg. Materials Cost per heater$339.71
National Avg. Cost (labor and materials) for 1 heater$497.30
National Cost Range (labor and materials) for 1 heater$447.74 - $546.86

Gas patio heater cost

The cost to install gas patio heaters will vary depending on the size, style, and location of your heater. It may also depend on where you live and whether or not you need to have a gas line run to your outdoor space. For example, installation costs for patio heaters in Washington state cost approximately $487 on the low end and $594 or more on the high end, on average. This is the cost per heater to install it as well as the heater itself, so you'll need to multiply this amount by the total number of heaters you need. Include the heater unit cost in your budget to get a more accurate total cost for each. When getting an estimate, it's important to know what is and what is not included.

Your estimate for patio heaters in WA (or any state) should include worksite preparation which should cover the cost of materials, all components, and protecting your existing structures. The contractor will be extremely careful not to damage your deck, patio, or porch as well as your home. The estimate should also include the cost to deliver materials and equipment to your home and to remove any leftover debris after the job is complete. Finally, the estimate should clearly show the hourly labor rate and the estimated time it should take to complete the installation.

Most estimates to install a gas patio heater will not include the price of any permits or inspections that are required. This cost will depend on your location, as some regions may not require permitting or inspections. The estimate will also not show sales tax on supplies and materials. This figure will be calculated at the end of the job. Any additional fees may not be shown on the initial estimate. It's best to add another 15 to 20 percent to your total cost if you're hiring a general contractor, just to be safe.

Average cost per gas patio heater

One of the biggest factors in determining your cost to install a new gas patio heater will be the heater itself. Depending on the brand, size, design, and more, prices range from approximately $600 to $2,200 or even more. An average-sized freestanding gas patio heater that uses a propane tank can be as low as $150, while a large heater connected to a gas line can range from several hundred to a few thousand dollars per heater. Shop around to find the best heater for your needs and to be sure you choose a heater that will provide you with ample heating power for your chosen space.

Labor cost to install a gas heater

Most contractors will charge by the hour to install your new gas patio heater. A typical labor rate for this type of work is approximately $130 to $160. If your heater is freestanding or you only have one, the job should take no longer than two hours. However, if you're installing a heater that connects to a natural gas line and you have no existing line, this cost will increase. The contractor will need to trench and install a line and make all of the necessary connections to the heater. In cases where you need a gas line, expect to pay from $150 to $1,000. The contractor will charge per linear foot and will also need to obtain permits before they can install a new gas line. In some locations, you'll need to contact your gas utility provider to complete the installation of the new line.

Types of gas heaters cost

A gas heater can operate by using natural gas or propane. Heaters that run on natural gas are extremely efficient, but you won't be able to move them around once they're installed. With a propane gas patio heater, you can move it around to accommodate your needs. Many restaurants use propane gas heaters since they can move them to different areas. Homeowners may prefer natural gas if they want a permanent fixture.

Natural gas patio heaters cost

Natural gas patio heaters are more expensive than propane. They can cost around $400 for a small option to as much as $2,000 or higher for larger or more efficient models, such as an infrared heater. Explore the different types available to you in order to determine which option is best and which one will fit into your budget.

Propane gas patio heaters cost

Propane gas patio heaters are less costly than natural gas since they don't require a direct hook-up to your gas line. These heaters use a propane tank, making them portable and easy to maneuver around your patio. This type of heater can be purchased at many home improvement stores and online, and they tend to cost between $150 and $600 on average. However, larger propane gas patio heaters with a higher number of BTUs can cost approximately $1,900 each.

Gas patio heaters styles

In addition to the fuel source, you'll find gas patio heaters in a range of designs to accommodate your needs. Here are the most popular options as well as some more information to help you determine which one will be best for your patio space:

Freestanding gas patio heater cost

These patio heaters have a standalone design that makes them easy to move around. Freestanding gas patio heaters are easy to use and setup, and you likely won't require the help of a contractor to enjoy your new heater. A freestanding gas heater is easy to store, and you can put them away during inclement weather or times of the year when the heater won't be used. Most freestanding heaters are tall and radiate heat from above, pushing the heat downward.

Tabletop gas patio heater cost

If you only need to heat a small space (such as an enclosed porch), a tabletop gas patio heater can be an excellent option. These small heaters sit on top of a table, and they look similar to a tale lamp which makes them a stylish addition to your home. Tabletop gas patio heaters are not as efficient as some other models and will only heat a small space, which means you'll need to be close to the unit in order to feel the heat.

Hanging gas patio heater cost

To give your patio a unique touch, consider hanging gas patio heaters. These heaters hang like a light fixture over your patio table. They can also be attached to a patio umbrella pole to keep them in place. If you're only looking to heat a small space without taking up floor space, hanging gas patio heaters can be a wonderful alternative. These heaters are similar to tabletop heaters, except they hang overhead to give you more room on the table.

Electric patio heaters vs gas patio heaters

If you're still not sure which option is best, you may also want to consider electric patio heaters. Read on for some information about electric and gas patio heaters to help you decide which option will work best for your needs.

Electric patio heaters

  • Electric patio heaters are easy to use since you can simply plug them into any nearby electrical outlet.
  • If you only need to heat a small outdoor space, electric patio heaters are a great choice since they don't require adequate ventilation like a gas patio heater.
  • These heaters are easy to use and can be placed into a corner out of the way while you host parties or entertain guests outside.
  • An electric patio heater requires electricity, so make sure you have an outdoor outlet so you can plug the unit in.
  • Since these heaters require electricity, you're limited as to where you can place it. The unit must be close to an outlet however, you can use an extension cord if you need it to be located further away from the wall.
  • Electric patio heaters are slow to heat up, while gas heaters provide fast, efficient heating.

Gas patio heaters

  • Gas patio heaters produce a greater heat output than electrical heaters due to the combustion of natural gas which helps them heat up quickly.
  • Many new gas patio heaters come in stylish designs that add a unique look to your outdoor space including decks, patios, and pool areas.
  • If you use natural gas for your patio heater, it will require professional installation to ensure safe operation and to uphold the product warranty that comes with your new heater.
  • Unless you opt for a freestanding or tabletop gas patio heater, the unit will be permanently affixed to the location of your natural gas line.
  • Always use gas patio heaters in a well-ventilated area for safety purposes.

How to detect a gas leak and how to fix it

A gas leak can be extremely dangerous, so it's crucial to know the signs. Natural gas is odorless, so sulfur is added to emit a smell that can help you identify a potential leak. Pay close attention to unusual or unpleasant sulfur smells (similar to rotten eggs) which may indicate a leak is present. Other indicators include sudden headaches, nausea, or chest pain. If your heater is making a hissing sound, it's possible there is a leak. Gas detection solvent sprays and carbon monoxide detectors are excellent tools to help you determine if there's a gas leak.

If you suspect a gas leak, turn the heater off immediately. Most leaks must be repaired by either a plumber or a gas company professional if there's a leak in the line itself. They will conduct testing to find the location of the leak and take the necessary steps to fix it. The average homeowner should never attempt to fix a gas leak on their own. These repairs require special skills and knowledge to repair the leak in a safe manner. Expect to pay from $50 to $200 per hour for a plumber to locate, confirm, and fix your gas leak.

Gas patio heater maintenance costs

The cost to enjoy and maintain your gas patio heater will largely depend on the fuel source. If you're using a natural gas patio heater, you will be charged by your local gas utility based on the output of the BTUs you produce. The average cost to maintain a natural gas patio heater ranges from $0.25 to $0.75 per hour depending on your location and current gas rates. A propane gas heater uses a tank that you can purchase and refill at many retail locations. The cost of a propane tank is approximately $50 to $60. Once you purchase the tank, you can simply refill it as needed for about $3-$4 per gallon.

Average heating area

The manufacturer of your gas patio heater should display the average heating area. This refers to how effective the heater is at heating a specific range. The heating area can vary depending on air humidity levels, the outdoor temperature, and whether or not it's windy outside. Take a close look at how many BTUs your gas patio heater produces. The higher the number of BTUs, the greater the coverage area. Small tabletop units typically produce approximately 30,000 BTUs, while freestanding patio heaters produce 40,000 BTUs or more which covers approximately 300 square feet.

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