How Much Does It Cost To Install Door Weather Stripping?

Typical range: $100-$278

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For your project in zip code 43215 with these options, the cost to install door weather stripping starts at $28.92-$80.50 per door. Your actual price will depend on job size, conditions, finish options you choose.

The gaps around a door may seem insignificant, but they allow outside air to enter and can make a big difference in the temperature of a room. Proper weather stripping closes the gaps and creates a tight weather seal, keeping the inside temperature more consistent. Hiring a professional installer to add weather stripping to your doors is relatively inexpensive and can result in lower heating and cooling costs.

Cost Calculator
Calculations are dependent on where you live

Standard ServicesQuantityLowHigh
What you can expect
Range per door:$33.24$92.53
Range for this type of project:$100$278
Estimate: $189
Door Weather Stripping Installation Cost
Cost of TPE vinyl weather-stripping seal, ready to install in door stop kerf.
Basic Labor for Door Weather Stripping Installation
Labor costs for complete project under standard conditions, including assessment, planning, acquiring appropriate equipment, transporting materials, and executing preparation, installation and cleanup. The team will measure and trim the weather strip, secure it to the framing, and ensure a continuous seal along the window frame surface.
Job Supplies for Door Weather Stripping Installation
Standard supplies used in the installation process. Fasteners, shims, flashing, drip cap, perimeter foam insulation, and exterior caulking are among the materials covered by this fee.
Standard services
Door Weather Stripping Installation Cost
$20 -$32
Cost of TPE vinyl weather-stripping seal, ready to install in door stop kerf.
Basic Labor for Door Weather Stripping Installation
$73 -$238
Labor costs for complete project under standard conditions, including assessment, planning, acquiring appropriate equipment, transporting materials, and executing preparation, installation and cleanup. The team will measure and trim the weather strip, secure it to the framing, and ensure a continuous seal along the window frame surface.
Job Supplies for Door Weather Stripping Installation
$6 -$7
Standard supplies used in the installation process. Fasteners, shims, flashing, drip cap, perimeter foam insulation, and exterior caulking are among the materials covered by this fee.
Optional Services
What you can expect
Range per door:
$33 - $93
Range for this type of project:
$100 - $278
Cost Comparison

$104 -$288

Install door weather stripping: national average cost

The national average materials cost to install door weather stripping is $7.93 per door, with a range between $6.17 to $9.70. The total price for labor and materials per door is $75.92, coming in between $39.00 to $112.84. Your actual price will depend on your location, job size, conditions and finish options you choose.
cost to install door weather stripping
National Avg. Materials Cost per door$7.93
National Avg. Cost (labor and materials) for 1 door$75.92
National Cost Range (labor and materials) for 1 door$39.00 - $112.84

Filling the Gaps

Check the gaps around the edges of the door. If there is a visible gap between the door and the door frame, fill that gap with weather stripping. Use a pliable rubber seal or a soft felt type material to completely fill in the open area and create a better air block. These strips are typically attached to the frame, although they may instead be fastened to the door edge if preferred.

Covering Cracks

Special weather stripping is also available to cover the small crack where the door meets the frame. Even if the door closes tightly, some air may still move through the opening and compromise the tight weather seal. Apply a surface-mounted strip, attach it to the door and adjust it to cover the crack completely when the door is fully closed.

Fitting the Flooring

The gap under the door is often the most difficult to seal. A door is usually installed with sufficient clearance to avoid rubbing the flooring under it, which leaves an air gap. Weather stripping designed to attach to the bottom of the door can solve the problem. The stripping is adjustable so that it can close the gap completely yet it's soft enough not to cause damage to the flooring materials.

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