How Much Does It Cost To Seal Windows?

Typical range: $149-$325

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For your project in zip code 43215 with these options, the cost to seal windows starts at $28.35-$61.74 per seal. Your actual price will depend on job size, conditions, finish options you choose.

Sealing a window protects the home against outside moisture, air temperature changes and invading insects or spiders. Each layer of the window has important areas that must be addressed to keep the protection intact and the home well secured.

Cost Calculator
Calculations are dependent on where you live

Standard ServicesQuantityLowHigh
What you can expect
Range per seal:$29.85$64.99
Range for this type of project:$149$325
Estimate: $237
Basic Labor for Window Seal Installation
Standard labor cost to insulate windows, from a full site assessment to preparation, installation and cleanup. Seal strip will be fit and fastened along full perimeter of window to create a steadfast barrier.
Job Supplies for Window Seal Installation
Standard supplies used in the insulation process. Fasteners, vent flow baffles, and sealing tape are among the materials covered by this fee.
Standard services
Basic Labor for Window Seal Installation
$73 -$238
Standard labor cost to insulate windows, from a full site assessment to preparation, installation and cleanup. Seal strip will be fit and fastened along full perimeter of window to create a steadfast barrier.
Job Supplies for Window Seal Installation
$76 -$87
Standard supplies used in the insulation process. Fasteners, vent flow baffles, and sealing tape are among the materials covered by this fee.
Optional Services
What you can expect
Range per seal:
$30 - $65
Range for this type of project:
$149 - $325
Cost Comparison

$155 -$337

Seal windows: national average cost

The national average materials cost to seal windows is $16.05 per seal, with a range between $15.02 to $17.08. The total price for labor and materials per seal is $68.58, coming in between $39.68 to $97.49. Your actual price will depend on your location, job size, conditions and finish options you choose.
cost to seal windows
National Avg. Materials Cost per seal$16.05
National Avg. Cost (labor and materials) for 1 seal$68.58
National Cost Range (labor and materials) for 1 seal$39.68 - $97.49

How to Seal

Each window pane is mounted in a framework called a sash. The pieces of the sash that surround the panes are specially designed to hold the glass. Some use a seal of pre-shaped material, while others use a compound called glazing putty to seal the gap. Each sash is mounted in a jamb. For windows that open, the sash slides or turns inside the jamb. All movable junctions require special care to remain sealed and continue to function properly. The entire window, the jamb mount inside the window frame and every junction between them must be sealed.

Cost Variances

While sealing the window, the contractor examines all the seams of the jamb and frame for signs of decay, moisture damage or cracks. Any repairs or upgrades needed can add to the cost. The amount of sealant required may vary according to the size and condition of the window. Any mechanical problems or movements that are binding should also be replaced prior to sealing, and installing those materials adds to the overall cost.

Opt for a Professional

The window consists of several layers, and sealing them can be an involved process. It's recommended that each one is inspected by an experienced contractor for signs of damage or worn out movements. Their knowledge and expertise helps to identify deep-rooted problems and ensures the seal is thorough and long lasting.

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