How Much Does It Cost To Install Landscape Boulders?

Typical range: $726-$1,010

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For your project in zip code 43215 with these options, the cost to install landscape boulders starts at $121.02-$168.39 per ton. Your actual price will depend on job size, conditions, finish options you choose.

Adding landscape boulders to your property is an excellent way to upgrade the appearance of your home while improving its market value. 

Landscaping boulders are measured by ton, with a national average of about $116 per ton. Installation costs $24 to $50 an hour for labor and takes about six tons to landscape with boulders. This results in the total cost of boulders for landscaping plus labor being between $900 to $1000. The price varies depending on the type of boulders you choose, whether you hire a contractor or do a DIY project, and the conditions of your current landscape.

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Standard ServicesQuantityLowHigh
What you can expect
Range per ton:$121.02$168.39
Range for this type of project:$726$1,010
Estimate: $868
Landscape Boulder Installation Cost
Cost of landscaping boulders, which are available in various sizes, colors, and types of stone. Rate includes local delivery.
Basic Labor for Landscape Boulder Installation
Labor costs for thorough installation under standard conditions. This will start with a full assessment of the space. The layout will be planned, appropriate equipment acquired, materials transported, and all preparation, installation and cleanup carried out. Full surface excavation will match the boulder base, which will then be set and surrounded by dirt backfill to ensure stability.
Equipment Allowance for Landscape Boulder Installation
Equipment allowance for 100-lb wheelbarrhow, shovels, landscapers, spreading rakes, and other specialty tools. This is assessed as a daily rental fee, while single-use equipment will incur separate charges.
Standard services
Landscape Boulder Installation Cost
$638 -$704
Cost of landscaping boulders, which are available in various sizes, colors, and types of stone. Rate includes local delivery.
Basic Labor for Landscape Boulder Installation
$55 -$261
Labor costs for thorough installation under standard conditions. This will start with a full assessment of the space. The layout will be planned, appropriate equipment acquired, materials transported, and all preparation, installation and cleanup carried out. Full surface excavation will match the boulder base, which will then be set and surrounded by dirt backfill to ensure stability.
Equipment Allowance for Landscape Boulder Installation
$33 -$46
Equipment allowance for 100-lb wheelbarrhow, shovels, landscapers, spreading rakes, and other specialty tools. This is assessed as a daily rental fee, while single-use equipment will incur separate charges.
Optional Services
What you can expect
Range per ton:
$121 - $168
Range for this type of project:
$726 - $1,010
Cost Comparison

$754 -$1,049

Install landscape boulders: national average cost

The national average materials cost to install landscape boulders is $116.10 per ton, with a range between $110.43 to $121.77. The total price for labor and materials per ton is $150.22, coming in between $125.63 to $174.80. A typical 6 ton project costs $901.29, with a range of $753.78 to $1,048.80. Your actual price will depend on your location, job size, conditions and finish options you choose.
cost to install landscape boulders
National Avg. Materials Cost per ton$116.10
National Avg. Cost (labor and materials) for 6 ton$901.29
National Cost Range (labor and materials) for 6 ton$753.78 - $1,048.80

Landscaping boulders cost

Landscaping boulders cost between $50 and $130 a ton, depending on the rocks you choose. The price can go as high as $800.  

Riverstones add a lovely aesthetic to your home and can be used for stone driveways, patios, gardens, firepits, and lawn displays. 

The cost factors of boulders for landscaping are numerous. Their size matters because smaller rocks may need edging to be secured in place, which costs more money. Larger landscaping boulders are usually less expensive per ton. The quantity also affects the overall price – the more stones you buy, the less expensive they are. 

The shape, finish, and type of rock you choose affects the cost. A landscaping boulder is either round or angular. A round stone is smooth from river flow, while an angular rock has edges and flat surfaces. 

For a natural, rugged look, you may want the stones on your landscape as is without being polished. Some people do choose to have them finished, adding to the price. Oddly-shaped rocks will need to be fitted together and secured, which takes more time.

Large landscaping boulders come in a wide array of colors – from greens, pinks, and blues to shades of gold, grays, whites, and browns. You’ll have to pay more for specific coloring; you’ll need to source those from another region or country. Local stones will be more economical and will fit in with the natural colors of the existing landscape. 

Adding landscaping boulders is a timeless idea to achieve the look of a flawless lawn. There are many other types of rocks and stones to choose from, so you can select what best fits your style and budget. 

Here are the different kinds of landscaping boulders and their costs. 

  • Riverrocks are $130 to 800 per ton, depending on if the stones are polished, their size, shape, and color. 
  • RIverrock gravel is $30 to $60 per ton.
  • Lava rocks are $150 to $200 per ton. They’re porous and, therefore, lighter than other kinds of rock. They are available in red or black. 
  • Crushed rock, stone, and shells are $50 to $70 per ton
  • Large landscaping boulders are $100 to $600 per ton. Larger, heavier landscaping boulders cost more than small boulders. 
  • Granite boulders are $30 to $100 per ton.
  • Bull boulders are $75 to $100 per ton. They’re smaller than other landscaping boulders and range from two to five inches in diameter. You can get them in neutral colors to complement your current color scheme.  
  • Decorative landscaping boulders are $50 to $500 per ton. They’re available in many different colors and finishes. 

Cost per foot to install boulders for landscape

Landscape boulders cost $5 to $20 per square foot, depending on the rocks' size, the project's complexity, and labor rates in your location. That costs $24 to $50 per hour for labor

A typical landscape boulder weighs 200 pounds and is three feet long, while an average boulder landscaping project requires about six tons of rocks. The total cost of landscaping boulders with materials and installation is $900 to $1000

If you intend to hire a professional, you can quickly look up landscaping boulders near me to find a range of options. We recommend asking them to see pictures of their past work if you're hiring a contractor to install the boulders. This way, you’ll know what aesthetic they’ll produce and will be more likely to end up with a finished product you love.

Landscaping with boulders

Landscaping boulders can be used to line a garden bed or walkway or for decorative appeal on the lawn. Some people like to add landscape boulders to their pool or fountain areas. They also look lovely around a gazebo or outdoor seating area and are both functional and aesthetically pleasing to build a fire pit or an outdoor stove.

Large landscape boulders look best in clusters of three or four on the grass or as platforms of varying levels. They can also be installed on pavement if you wish to decorate your driveway or walkways. When arranging landscaping boulders on the ground, position them strategically so they won’t roll or topple over. Dig at least a few inches into the ground, and in some cases, you can bury the boulder halfway into the ground, giving it a natural, long-lasting look. Once you’ve achieved the positioning, try pouring gravel around the base to secure each one while providing a more varied aesthetic. 

To build a lawn rock wall, take the same approach as clustering – line them up in a straight row. When constructing a rock wall, please take all the measurements in advance because you’ll want to keep them in mind when purchasing. Alternatively, when you hire a  professional, they’ll be able to acquire the right materials. That’s why it’s wise to have a rough idea either way.

To build steps with landscaping rocks, you’ll want to select flat, sturdy rocks that stack nicely.

Landscaping boulders don’t require any maintenance, and they’re pretty easy to install, making them an excellent option for home improvement. They look natural and add a colorful dimension to your property.

DIY or hire a pro

You can reduce landscape boulder costs by trying the project DIY-style. That will largely depend on the work required and the equipment you already have. A professional should do large projects, as they might need special heavy-lifting machinery. However, you can safely attempt smaller jobs yourself if you’re confident that you know how. 

Without your truck and lifting equipment, renting could cost $200 to $800 per day. A professional contractor already has this equipment and will include it in your overall costs. A pro can also advise on the style and aesthetic, as they’ll have experience arranging landscaping boulders and can bring ideas to the table you may not have considered.

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