How Much Does It Cost To Install A Wax Ring?

Typical range: $210-$254

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For your project in zip code 43215 with these options, the cost to install a wax ring starts at $105.05-$127.21 per ring. Your actual price will depend on job size, conditions, finish options you choose.

The wax ring under a toilet seals the sewage passage between the toilet and the pipes. A leaking wax ring can create an unsightly and unsanitary mess and may also damage the flooring. If left unrepaired, the moisture eventually weakens the subflooring and floor joists, requiring expensive repairs to the home down the road.

Cost Calculator
Calculations are dependent on where you live

Standard ServicesQuantityLowHigh
What you can expect
Range per ring:$105.05$127.21
Range for this type of project:$210$254
Estimate: $232
Wax Ring Installation Cost
Cost of petroleum wax gasket, with plastic flanged horn and brass mounted bolts.
Basic Labor for Wax Ring Installation
Labor cost, under typical conditions, to install wax ring. Fixture will be removed, wax ring seated, and then the fixture will be replaced, leveled, and secured. Full testing will ensure against leaks. All steps of the process, including preparation and cleanup, are included.
Job Supplies for Wax Ring Installation
Standard supplies and materials used in the installation process, such as connectors, fittings, and mounting hardware.
Standard services
Wax Ring Installation Cost
$8 -$10
Cost of petroleum wax gasket, with plastic flanged horn and brass mounted bolts.
Basic Labor for Wax Ring Installation
$197 -$238
Labor cost, under typical conditions, to install wax ring. Fixture will be removed, wax ring seated, and then the fixture will be replaced, leveled, and secured. Full testing will ensure against leaks. All steps of the process, including preparation and cleanup, are included.
Job Supplies for Wax Ring Installation
$5 -$6
Standard supplies and materials used in the installation process, such as connectors, fittings, and mounting hardware.
Optional Services
What you can expect
Range per ring:
$105 - $127
Range for this type of project:
$210 - $254
Cost Comparison

$218 -$264

Install a wax ring: national average cost

The national average materials cost to install a wax ring is $4.72 per ring, with a range between $4.24 to $5.21. The total price for labor and materials per ring is $139.36, coming in between $126.06 to $152.67. Your actual price will depend on your location, job size, conditions and finish options you choose.
cost to install a wax ring
National Avg. Materials Cost per ring$4.72
National Avg. Cost (labor and materials) for 1 ring$139.36
National Cost Range (labor and materials) for 1 ring$126.06 - $152.67

Removing and Preparing the Toilet

To remove the toilet, a plumber starts by covering the floor and surrounding areas for protection. The water supply is shut off and the line disconnected. The bowl and tank are both emptied of water, and the toilet is detached from the pipe mount below and turned over. The bowl and tank are inspected for cracks or other damage, and the seal between them examined for stability and structural integrity. The base of the toilet and the attachment to the sewer pipe are both cleaned to remove the old wax, and the new ring is installed.

Additional Expenses

Any of the following conditions may add extra cost to the project:

  • If the toilet is cracked and needs to be replaced
  • If the toilet and tank need gaskets or internal mechanism replacements
  • If flooring or subflooring is damaged, requiring repairs
  • If the pipe mounting where the toilet is attached is damaged

Professional Help

Because a failed wax ring can cause so many hidden problems, most homeowners choose to call on a plumbing professional to facilitate the replacement. Plumbers provide an expert examination of the underlying areas to assess any compromise and advise the best course of action to properly repair the damage before remounting the toilet.

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