How Much Does It Cost To Move A Toilet Drain Plumbing?

Typical range: $646-$791

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For your project in zip code 43215 with these options, the cost to move a toilet drain plumbing starts at $646.25-$791.25 per line. Your actual price will depend on job size, conditions, finish options you choose.

Moving the drain plumbing is required when relocating a toilet during a remodel. It may be necessary when creating a new bathroom layout or when replacing a toilet with one of a different size. In either case, there are some technical aspects to moving the pipes that must be considered.

Cost Calculator
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Standard ServicesQuantityLowHigh
What you can expect
Range per line:$646.25$791.25
Range for this type of project:$646$791
Estimate: $719
Basic Labor for Toilet Drain Re-Routing
Standard labor cost to move toilet drain plumbing, from a full site assessment to preparation, installation and cleanup. Toilet flange will be fit and installed, secured, and tested for leaks. Drain line can extend up to 30' from existing connection, within existing walls and floors. Demolition and surface restoration, if needed, will incur additional costs.
Job Supplies for Toilet Drain Re-Routing
Standard supplies and materials used in the installation process, such as connectors, fittings, and mounting hardware.
Equipment Allowance for Toilet Drain Re-Routing
Overhead cost to maintain heavy equipment, such as the pipe cutter and threader, tubing cutter, brazing kit, and pipe wrenches. This is assessed as a daily rental fee, while single-use elements will incur separate charges.
Removal of Toilet Drain Re-Routing Waste
Appropriate disposal of all related project debris, including old materials, installation waste, and any other refuse.
Optional Services
Removal of Drain Line (Optional)
Safe and efficient disconnection of existing drain line, up to 30' from nearest connection branch. Line will be capped, and remaining supply system tested for leaks. Modifications to structure and any required surface restoration will incur additional costs.
Standard services
Basic Labor for Toilet Drain Re-Routing
$475 -$576
Standard labor cost to move toilet drain plumbing, from a full site assessment to preparation, installation and cleanup. Toilet flange will be fit and installed, secured, and tested for leaks. Drain line can extend up to 30' from existing connection, within existing walls and floors. Demolition and surface restoration, if needed, will incur additional costs.
Job Supplies for Toilet Drain Re-Routing
$148 -$168
Standard supplies and materials used in the installation process, such as connectors, fittings, and mounting hardware.
Equipment Allowance for Toilet Drain Re-Routing
$23 -$47
Overhead cost to maintain heavy equipment, such as the pipe cutter and threader, tubing cutter, brazing kit, and pipe wrenches. This is assessed as a daily rental fee, while single-use elements will incur separate charges.
Removal of Toilet Drain Re-Routing Waste
$11 -$13
Appropriate disposal of all related project debris, including old materials, installation waste, and any other refuse.
Optional Services
Removal of Drain Line (Optional)
$213 -$258
Safe and efficient disconnection of existing drain line, up to 30' from nearest connection branch. Line will be capped, and remaining supply system tested for leaks. Modifications to structure and any required surface restoration will incur additional costs.
What you can expect
Range per line:
$646 - $791
Range for this type of project:
$646 - $791
Cost Comparison

$671 -$821

Move a toilet drain plumbing: national average cost

The national average materials cost to move a toilet drain plumbing is $164.13 per line, with a range between $153.56 to $174.69. The total price for labor and materials per line is $746.11, coming in between $670.85 to $821.36. Your actual price will depend on your location, job size, conditions and finish options you choose.
cost to move a toilet drain plumbing
National Avg. Materials Cost per line$164.13
National Avg. Cost (labor and materials) for 1 line$746.11
National Cost Range (labor and materials) for 1 line$670.85 - $821.36

What's Involved in the Move

Any unused sections of old pipes are carefully removed and capped off if needed. New pipes are connected to the sewer line and routed to the location. The plumber ensures that these drain lines have sufficient slope and drop for correct gravity flow. The toilet attachment, along with any additional water lines or vent pipes, is installed between floor joists.

Cost Factors

The distance from the sewer pipe to the new location varies. If the drain slope needs to be increased, there may be some rerouting needed which would add to the expense. When moving the toilet drain, the water supply line may also need to be moved. The strength of the floor should be tested to verify it can hold the weight of the toilet long term. If it needs reinforcing, the labor and materials will also add to the project cost.

Benefits of a Professional

Modifying the plumbing of a toilet can be a complex process. For most homeowners, contracting with a professional is generally the best option. In fact, local codes in many areas require a licensed plumber to be employed when working with drain pipes.

Last updated
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