How Much Does It Cost To Paint A Floor?

Typical range: $417-$873

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For your project in zip code 43215 with these options, the cost to paint a floor starts at $1.39-$2.91 per sq ft finished. Your actual price will depend on job size, conditions, finish options you choose.

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Sq Ft Finished

Standard ServicesQuantityLowHigh
What you can expect
Range per sq ft finished:$1.39$2.91
Range for this type of project:$417$873
Estimate: $645
Floor Painting Cost
square feet
Cost of residential-grade, 2-part epoxy coating for concrete surfaces with a semi-gloss finish. Rate is inclusive of local delivery, as well as standard excess for perfect coverage and occasional touch-ups.
Floor Painting Labor, Basic
Labor cost, under typical conditions, for complete project. Surface will be prepared by scraping, filling, leveling. and applying spot prime as needed (up to 2 hours and 4 defects per 100 SF). Two coats of paint will be applied via roll or brush. Fee is inclusive of all aspects of the project, such as thorough planning, acquisition of equipment and material, preparation and protection of project site, and meticulous cleanup.
Floor Painting Job Supplies
square feet
Requisite supplies for the job, including masking tape and paper, materials for surface repair and preparation, primers, and cleanup supplies.
Optional Services
Option: Remove Paint
Chemical paint remover will be applied; surface will be scraped, cleaned, and sanded until smooth.
Standard services
Floor Painting Cost
$176 -$304
square feet
Cost of residential-grade, 2-part epoxy coating for concrete surfaces with a semi-gloss finish. Rate is inclusive of local delivery, as well as standard excess for perfect coverage and occasional touch-ups.
Floor Painting Labor, Basic
$227 -$552
Labor cost, under typical conditions, for complete project. Surface will be prepared by scraping, filling, leveling. and applying spot prime as needed (up to 2 hours and 4 defects per 100 SF). Two coats of paint will be applied via roll or brush. Fee is inclusive of all aspects of the project, such as thorough planning, acquisition of equipment and material, preparation and protection of project site, and meticulous cleanup.
Floor Painting Job Supplies
$15 -$17
square feet
Requisite supplies for the job, including masking tape and paper, materials for surface repair and preparation, primers, and cleanup supplies.
Optional Services
Option: Remove Paint
$731 -$1,780
Chemical paint remover will be applied; surface will be scraped, cleaned, and sanded until smooth.
What you can expect
Range per sq ft finished:
$1 - $3
Range for this type of project:
$417 - $873
Cost Comparison

$433 -$906

Paint a Floor: national average cost

The national average materials cost to paint a floor is $0.78 per sq ft finished, with a range between $0.57 to $0.99. The total price for labor and materials per sq ft finished is $2.23, coming in between $1.44 to $3.02. A typical 300 sq ft finished project costs $669.71, with a range of $433.30 to $906.13. Your actual price will depend on your location, job size, conditions and finish options you choose.
cost to paint a floor
National Avg. Materials Cost per sq ft finished$0.78
National Avg. Cost (labor and materials) for 300 sq ft finished$669.71
National Cost Range (labor and materials) for 300 sq ft finished$433.30 - $906.13
Last updated
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